
I come seeking advice for a game I'll be gm'ing for. Sort of by accident, it swelled from a core group of 5, up to 7. None of the players are particularly optimized. Currently we have:

Half Elf Druid 2
Elan Ranger 1/ Psion 1
Human Fighter 1/ Wilder 1
Bard 2
Cleric 2
Wizard 2
Rogue 2

None of them are particularly optimized, some of them are new players, the older ones are familiar with 2.0 rather than the 3.X we're playing. How do I balance encounters when the PC group has such action economy? I know that single toughs would be a terrible idea with a group like this, I was thinking of trying to work in lots of red-shirts, CR 1/4 or 1/2 guys to mill around combat and try to help out any toughs. Is this usually a good strategy? Does anyone have any recommendations for building encounters for a group like this that are challenging but not overwhelming?

Thanks for reading!