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Thread: BleachITP Reborn Character Registry

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Free Hand's Avatar

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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn Character Registry

    Ren Zenimoto, Student and Living Shinigami

    Gender: Female
    Age: 17 (why rock the boat?)
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 133 lbs.
    Reiatsu/Speaking Color: Dark Orange

    Ren wears an unmodified uniform to school. She has short black hair usually held up at the back with a hairclip. While not full out beautiful or even possessing much of a bust she's solidly above the pretty bar. Outside of school Ren's fashion varies but is still limited by her allowance.

    Ren has a friendly and polite disposition and is always quick to smile. Despite appearances, Ren has sadistic edge to her personality. She's careful in how she lets it show but inside of school, her classmates and clubmates have picked up on it. Ren is prone to boredom and had found cruel games and tormenting others to be a swell way to relieve it. While not really a nice person, she's not without kindness but it’s not a particularly prominent a part of her either. She knows the meaning of hard work and not one to quit a task unless she resents it in the first place. Few as they are, she's loyal and trustworthy to those she counts as friends.

    Ren lives in Phoenix Town with her Great Uncle. She lives with her Uncle as part of an ongoing arrangement with her parents that began when she was very little. Her uncle agreed to relieve the financial burden on her family under the condition that he has the opportunity to prepare her as a suitable heir to his keno school and more besides. Ren begrudgingly came to live with him in Phoenix Town partway through junior high on his insistence.

    Ren tried to make the most of life in this town, in the best way she knew how. She inadvertently got the attention of Michiko Inagawa-kai and, after several misunderstandings, became fast friends. At the same time, she continued her training under her Uncle. Her great uncle had yet to tell her that he was a living shinigami. Without any children of his own, she was the only one he could turn the Zenimoto family legacy over too. When her uncle was satisfied with her determination and spiritual potential he introduced her to his world and other things little by little. By the time she graduated to senior high she had been made aware of many things beyond the mundane world and had moved on to her training proper, this time with much less reluctance.


    Zanpakuto Release Command: Challenge

    Unreleased Zanpakuto:
    Ren's Zanpakuto is not quite a material thing. The spiritually-sighted can see it for what it is but others only see the wooden bokken it's bound in. The Zanpakuto itself is slightly longer then Ren would like but then it wasn't quite designed to be wielded by a short teenage girl. The hilt features an off yellow colour.

    Shikai: Unachieved (demonstrated by great uncle)
    Dageki-oo takes on pronged shape, it would loosely resemble a golden tuning fork. The hilt ends in a red-yellow tassel of reasonable length. The new blade is blunted along the edges but the prongs end in tapered points easily capable of puncturing.

    In Shikai, Dageki-oo gathers kinetic energy from striking one prong. The sword multiplies the force behind the strikes and releases them through it's other prong. The prongs are interchangeable in this so force can be gathered through any and released from the other. The kinetic force can be taken from deflecting blows or even simply striking the ground or walls.

    Bankai: Unachieved, unwitnessed

    Other Abilities:
    As the previous would indicate, Ren is very skilled at Kendo, having trained at a young age. Her vocal talents are also notable, having excellent control over her pitch and volume, she still practices vocal exercises and makes interesting use of it in kendo matches. Ren is a competent athlete and outpaces many in speed and stamina as well as strength among female students at least. Her other school studies above the average but this is largely due to her uncle's encouragement.

    • Friend of Michiko Inagawa-kai: Both in and out of school she calls Michiko friend. She's also a member of Michiko's circle of special afterschool friends.
    • School: Ren happens to go to school, there she has classmates, and classmates who may or may not have powers connected with the unseen spirit world.
    • Kendo Club: Ren is a member of the popular kendo club. Her reputation there is not the finest as she's known to act unsportmanlike.
    • Great Uncle: A living shinigami past his prime. He hopes for Ren to claim the power of his Zanpakuto and succeed him. He is not connected with the soul society.

    Pan, Arrancar and Novena Espada

    Age: Indeterminable
    Height: 3’8”
    Weight: 58 lb.
    Speech/Reiatsu/Cero color: Copper/White/White
    Aspect of Death: Abandonment
    Mask Fragment: Crest coving his forehead with a large horn protruding from it's centre.
    Hollow Hole: Rather large, encompassing his entire abdomen.

    Physical Description:
    Pan is physically the least of the Espada perhaps even of the Arrancar. He is short, by all appearances quite weak and more closely resembles a small child then one of the Las Noches elite. Pan has a rather dark complexion and his hair is a deep violet, nearly brown. He has a White scarf bound around his head and carefully knotted around his single horn. Pan wears the standard Arrancar jacket, sash and trousers (cut to his size of course) as well as a white poncho or chamanto over top. He wears wooden sandals but at times he wedges them in his sash and opts to go barefoot.

    Through both appearance and actions Pan is rather childish. He is quite cheerful and and energetic, smiling and laughter come easily to him. He shows himself as naive and takes a keen fascination with nearly everything around him. But for all his childishness, he still happens to be one of the powerful Espada. Living hundreds of years and being composed of thousands of souls, Pan is more mature then his character lets on. Much of his character though is still quite genuine, as the wayward hollows that merged to become Pan were almost uniformly the souls of children. Pan is careful to restrain himself when attending the king and queen.
    Being largely composed of dead orphans and other discarded, unloved children, one might be surprised to learn that Pan has a pretty fragile frame of mind. The desperate scared and lonely parts of Pan are buried far from the surface. He finds comfort and security in the great mindless presence of the Gillian hollows. His attachment to them was formed long before joining the ranks of arrancar, When the obedience of these drones were the closest thing to affection for Pan in Hueco Mundo. Like others upon becoming arrancar, Pan became more sharply defined and felt needs and desires he was numb to as a full hollow before. While still very reliant on the presence of Gillians, Pan is also supported by his Fraccion composed of arrancar similar to Pan in their desire for a family.
    Pan truly dislikes killing but is certainly not above it. When ordered to the act or seeing little alternative, he’s quick to get it over with although he usually stays gloomy for days afterward until either he or one of his Fraccion manages to distract him from it. Despite this odd aversion, Pan still manages to be enthusiastic about fighting and keeps his bright attitude so long as the game doesn’t take a bloody turn. Should his fraccion, his companion gillians be harmed, the buried parts of pan are likely to start bubbling up. Should someone that Pan truly cares about be killed he could break down entirely.

    As he is, Pan is weaker then even the standard Gillian, his particular abilities are as such though that he is numbered among the Espada.

    Bala: Pan has no bala to speak of, or at least he has never been seen using one (he doesn't have one)

    Cero: He gathers and fires it from the very tip of his horn. By itself, Pan's Cero is pathetic. he could likely obliterate a low ranked Shinigami at point blank range but it would hardly make a captain flinch. It does however have the interesting effect of combining and multiplying the power of other Cero beams. It can also serve as a catalyst for combining several Ceros together.

    Hierro: Much like the above, Pan's Hierro is weak, he depends on a means of regeneration for the most part.

    Garganta: One his few true areas of mastery for Pan is the Garganta. He is capable of tearing holes both great and small as well as one of the few that can use a form of Garganta broadcast.

    Sonido: Pan's Sonido is passable for an Arrancar.

    Zanpakutou: Calaverita (Little Skull)
    Sealed Form:
    Pan's Zanpakutou is near appropriate for his size. The sword bares a cruciform shape and resembles a European Arming sword. Pan hangs the sword unconventionally from his neck on a chain.

    Embalsamar: Much of Pan's spiritual power is in fact bound in his Zanpakutou, his true collective Reiryoku is phenomenal. Pan cannot access his sealed Reiryoku directly, instead he channels it through his Zanpakutou. In short he may stab the sword into a creature and fill it with his spirit power. For a hollow or Arrancar it grants them an incredible power boost in addition to taking their own spiritual pressure to extremes. Pan has to take care about moderating how much he releases as too much really can be too much, lesser hollows would likely burn out regardless. When the sword is removed, remaining residue is quick to seal up the wound it leaves. For the living and possibly Shinigami, Pan's Reiatsu has a more adverse effect. Similar to the acidic touch of some hollows, the Reiatsu imposes itself on the victim, diminishing their own spirit to the point of death. The time this takes is dependent on the victim's spirit level but the shear violence in the invasion should render all but the strongest quite helpless.

    Pan can use the Zanpakutou on himself to an extent. By cutting himself, he may gain small boosts of power for certain activities although doing this is far more taxing on him then with others. Pan may enhance his Cero through this means where it's power is indistinguishable from the Espada's Gran Rey Cero (although it's achieved exactly the same way). He may also enhance his Sonido, making him ludicrously fast but he moves blind and can't measure distance. Presumably, he can do the same with the Hierro ability but he'd sooner escape danger then test his skin against an unfriendly cut.

    "Impart, Calaverita."
    Pan impales himself with his Zanpakutou to activate the ability. In this form pan loses nearly all of his recognizable form. The most tangible remnant of Pan is a large white hollow mask baring the horn of his mask fragment. The Sclera of his eyes turn the black of a hollow and theres no indication of a mouth at all. The mask trails a organic looking shroud of varying length. Pan floats or flies freely through air without the use of air-walking. The shroud aspect of Pan's body may be pierced and damaged with little resistance, he would show no sign of pain for it and it regenerates quickly.

    Physical contact with the shroud is similar to the effects of his Zanpakutou, but certainly milder. Needless to say, Shinigami should do their best to avoid entangling themselves inadvertently while attacking.

    Mortaja De Entierro: The transformed Pan may possess other hollows and more completely give them access to his spirit power. For weaker hollows and Arrancar he may gain control over them. With the more powerful hollows and the Espada a struggle would ensue, Pan may even be forcefully expelled so mutual cooperation is key. When in possession, the host under goes a transformation. The changes differ between hosts but generally Pan's mask merges with the body and bony growths similar to Pan's horn may appear. With a truly formidable host, such as the strongest of the Espada or the king of hollows himself, it's arguable that the combination would make them the most powerful being in the spirit world.

    ..Of course the potential for power is not without consequences. Pan's full Reiryoku would suppliment the hosts, but there's only so much spirit power that can be handled. Pan's spirit power merges gradually but still quickly with the hosts, he has no way to prevent it. Eventually, the hosts body may overload if it's spirit power too far exceeds it's capabilities. The result is short boom and two less hollows plaguing the world. Due to the already impressive spirit levels of the Espada, it's unlikely that Pan nor the others would risk themselves in this, unless under truly dire duress.

    Segunda Etapa: Unachieved
    Souten Ai, Shinigami and 3rd seat to 12th Division
    Age: 465
    Height: 5'4"
    Speech/Reiatsu:Violet, Violet(rather sparky)


    Ai is easily recognizable as a member of 12th Division. It would be difficult to place Ai's age by appearance beyond being vaguely youngish looking. Her face is unlined due to her infrequency in smiling, furring her brow, or indulging in facial expressions in general. She has wide, staring eyes, it's to be noted that she hasn't blinked with them in over a hundred years. While the previous is interesting and noticeable after close examination, most would be more immediately drawn to her light mauve complexion. Less immediately, Ai has matching circular markings on her cheek that are a much deeper shade of the colour. Her hair is an off pink that may have been a pale yellow at some point and is cut short to exactly one inch all around. Over her Shinigami uniform she almost always wears the standard lab coat of the 12th. Ai wears a skull cap on her head that appears to be made of coiled copper. Her hands are bare save for copper bits covering where her finger tips would be, there is also something resembling a large marble imbeded in her left wrist on the palm side. Should someone be drawn to Ai's feet they would see that they are slightly narrower and seem abnormally long. Ai has an extremely stiff bearing, her movements are forced and awkward. When looking at Ai, Zanpakuto not be noticed immediately. From the back or side, one my see the sword hilt behind her head, from the hilt's angle the blade itself appears to be stuck in her spine..


    Ai's life revolves around her work in the 12th division. In her hundreds of years of life she refrained from involving herself in anything unrelated her division duties or her own individual contributions in it. In matters concerning the 12th Ai speaks and acts in a brisk and steely manner, she keeps herself aloof. As the above states this means she almost always speaks and acts in a brisk and steely manner, and keeps herself aloof. In recent times Ai has become aware that she is completely socially inept. Her inability to cope with casual interactions or in making connections with her fellow shinigami has started to trouble her. Ai had begun taking steps to remedy this with careful research into social stratagems, So far it's not going well. She's also attempting to secretly smuggle self help books from the mortal world.

    Contrary to what her appearance and what the above suggests, Ai is more then a block of wood. While outwardly this is the case, deep deep inside that grainy layer is a personality. Ai is proud, she thinks highly of herself and of her achievements within the division. Criticism frustrates her as as does anything that restricts her creative process. As Ai's own research was almost always high risk and experimental, she's none to fond of the existing safety measures that greatly inhibit her. It is Ai's belief that there is nothing that can't be improved upon. While understanding the nature of things is fine, it's only the foundation to higher things in Ai's mind. Ai has gone so far as to literally apply this outlook to herself. She has very little in the way of reservations about forcing it on others, if she could only have the chance!


    Ai's history is shrouded in mystery and hearsay... among the interns at least, talking about the strange purple person is always a popular topic.

    Ai is likely the last scion of her clan, a clan she has little intention of continuing. Her clan is hardly a prominent one in the Soul Society, but since the founding of the 12th Division, the clan had always held a firm place in the division's registry. Ai was raised with all expectation of joining the 12th and obviously she had. Initially admitted as an intern, under the tutorage and direction of her fellow Soutens within the division, Ai proved to be a promising young prodigy. upon gaining full membership within the 12th, Ai became a rising star in it's ranks, she would often be trusted with critical tasks in various projects.

    The first black mark on Ai's career came on a day like any other day. A prominent scientist within the 12th and head of the meagre Souten clan had in mind a project that he assured would redefine the soul society for all time. The exact nature of the project has been struck from the records but Ai herself was granted a vital role in monitoring stability in the experiment. Some short days after the initial success The Souten elder was struck dead and she herself was severely injured. In the aftermath, the Captain cracked down on the the involved parties. Her comrades attemped to slot blame onto her (one of the scapegoaters was actually family if you could imagine..) she stated in her defence that she was completely successful in her duty as the experiment technically remained stable and that, if anywhere, the flaw would be in the theory itself. In the end, Ai managed to evade blame for the incident but at the cost of estranging her colleagues.

    Ai came to a degree of notoriety some years later when she finally earned the opportunity carry out her own experiments. Ai's specialty was Reiatsu manipulation, and it became the base of nearly all her future experiments. Ai had long regarded Reiatsu as "waisted energy," constantly leaking out of ones body, very little of it was being put into practical use in her eyes. Her most ambitious endeavour ever was the creation of devices that would redirect Reiatsu internally, using it to power countless other devices inside a subjects body. many within her division were skeptical of her theory but after several attempts she achieved success and felt most assured that it would redefine the soul society for all time! Much to her Chagrin, the Captain seemed to dwell on her first two attempts. The first subject was unfortunately drained of all spiritual power and was forced into retirement, the second had exploded, but his sacrifice had given Ai the idea to include something like a surge protector. The third was perfectly successful, however his Reiatsu had been too weak for it to be of much use regardless. Ai was ultimately banned from continuing with this work to her extreme surprise. Despite the ban, she was stubbornly set on proving the practical application of her work; Ai was forced to use herself as she had little other choice in test subjects. She succeeded of course and spent the years since tinkering with and improving her augmentations. Whatever she made discoveries that interested others in the 12th, she was insistent that original experiment was a necessary component in it, and it usually was. The above only consisted of her personal pursuits, she still adamantly carried out her division duties and played her roles in what work was assigned to her. Despite past transactions, she continued to rise within the division through her consistency in excellence and her obsession with update and progress reports. She still nurses her injured pride and often falls into bitterness but she's not about that get in the way her duty just yet.

    Ai's augmentations:

    As stated in her backstory, Ai has spent almost 200 years tinkering with her own body, she's been very productive with her time. Ai's modifications aren't nessesarily limited to those listed beflow, these are her standard fare and it's hardly beyond her to devise new ones at a later date.

    Reiatsu channelling device:
    Just as the name implies, Ai has implanted devices that redirect her Reiatsu internally. Her Reiatsu is for practical reasons infused in her blood and is carried along all through her body (thus explaining her queer complexion). Her very special blood passes through a varied selection of inventions also by Ai, these items draw the spirit power from her blood and are thus powered. over time Ai discovered additional effects caused by the implants. Ai's nerves sense of touch have long been deadened by the flow of Reiatsu, aside from occasional twitching she's almost entirely incapable of involuntary movement. Much of her actions are carried out on a conscious level, any form of bodily expression is forced and done only out of courtesy for others. On that not she's mostly immune to pain and would only notice being cut when she feels her Reiatsu leaking out. on the subject of wounding, Ai has had quite a long time to examine the complex flow of her spiritual energy through her veins. Ai can now manipulate her super infused Reiatsu blood, similar to how other Shinigami make use of theirs. Ai may stop and harden her blood similar to an extremely powerful Hierro, only under the skin ...of course Ai has to stop her blood to actually do this. Ai may also force her blood to continue to flow where it would normally go even with a sizable gash, this is almost entirely unconscious, it would stop wounds from bleeding although it would be a bit much to expect the blood to through through where an entire arm used to be.

    Strength enhancers: A number of Shinigami enhance their strength with their spiritual power. Ai also does this, although she's among the extreme end of this collection. She mostly uses this for lifting heavy apparatuses.

    Ai, with patience and care, has made herself absurdly flexible. It's quite disturbing to look at when she displays it, one would also expect it to be damn hard to trap her in a hold. This is not reliant on her spiritual energy.

    Eye Enhancement:
    She hasn't truly enhanced her eyes rather encased them in special protective lens'. Over time she played with them to enhance her sight but refrained from tinkering to much as a matter of pride (She makes a point of avoiding the Captain's inventions whenever she can due to past injuries). She also doesn't need to blink anymore, very efficient.

    Spirit scouter:
    Ai's tongue has been modified to detect spiritual anomalies. By simply tasting the air, Ai can detect the presence of others and their spiritual nature, assuming she's familiar with whatever they are. She may also calculate their reiatsu level when they're in her line of sight. An additional function of her tongue is the ability to taste other things besides spirit partials.

    Finger Tools:
    The metal tips of her fingers are there to ensure she has essential equipment always on hand haha. The left hand bits slide open to reveal several generic tools, she routinely changes them. The right hand has a more permanent selection of Reiatsu powered lasers (To the enthusiastic approval of her Captain). They serve all manner of functions where lasers are appropriate and some where they aren't! For combat application, Ai must straighten her arm out to link up additional charged implants along her arm.

    Soul phone/holo projector:
    Rather complicated sounding, but essentially the phone is part of her hand and works much like this. The projector takes the form of the large marble in her wrist, it can display a similar if more advanced version of the Soul phone's hollow radar. The projector may also display other information for practical usage in the labs.

    Wheeled feet:
    Yes, as the title states, Ai has wheeled feet. One of the strangest and a personal favourite invention of Ai herself. it starts off with her oddly narrow feet, she actually has only three enlarged toes to each, something she regards as important in this. Her "big toe" has copper plate for a nail, the plate isn't so much a plate as an extending band. The band would extend in a snap to form a wide ring that goes into her heel. Once the rings are complete, she rolls around with dexterous ease upon them. With them she moves with obscene speed and can switch directions with minimal loss of momentum. She may also airwalk, or rather roll with them, when doing so they gather violet sparks. For some reason Ai can't fathom, they have yet to catch on in Seireitei.

    Ai is fairly proficient with this technique.

    Yes, Ai the scientist is no stranger to the mysteries of connecting the fist the ever vulnerable face. Her interest in it began some hundreds of years ago where she took serious injuries, she's since resolved never to be caught flat footed again. She's very well versed in the techniques and, combined with her Reiatsu enhanced resilience and strength (not to mention her flexibility), she is very formidable.

    It is assumed that she is not the most proficient of sword users as she has opted to keep the thing embedded in her spine. She can actually unsheath the thing but, unsurprisingly, her technique is not a fine example of the Soul Society's noble art.

    With a clear voice, an unmatched memory, and excellent control of both Reiatsu and Reiryoku, Ai is a poor practitioner of Kido. Of course for one so talented and having all the right qualities it was a physical effort to be so bad at it. Ai really dislikes Kido and has nothing but contempt for those incense huffing mystics. That isn't to say Ai didn't study enough to grasp the useful bits regarding Reiryoku manipulation and other useful tidbits that can be gleaned in that arcane dribble for her research. Ai can actually use some Kido spells, although only ones she managed to convert to proper scientific calculations over those absurd mantras. She hasn't given much time to it so she only as access to the least of Bakudo and Hado. She can't use any without the words.

    Sealed state:
    Ai's Zanpakuto is more likely the length of a Kodachi or wakizashi over a katana given that Ai doesn't have a small metal blade sticking out much like a tail. the hilt looks fairly standard with the bindings a dark violet colour to match the rest of her.

    Inner World:
    ..Is hardly important, it's not like you'll be seeing it. it's probably lightningy or something..

    Shikai: "Connect, Saki"
    In Shikai, Ai's zanpakuto transforms into a plain metal pike with a copper sheen, her appearance is amusing reminiscent of a bumper car given it's still stuck in her spine. The pike serves much like a spiritual conductor, drawing spiritual energy from that is expelled from others, and collects enough to send it back in the form of bolts of energy at her unfortunate foes.

    Ai doesn't use it for this though, instead she jerry-rigged the sword (much to it's indignity) to provide herself with additional spiritual power. Ai becomes rather giddy with the power boost, she quite literally trembles with power. special spiritual surge guards would begin to kick in at this point to keep her from overloading which would be followed with dying. The guards can be manipulated manually from an area somewhere on her body.

    Ai has not achieved Bankai, she doesn't seem to think much about it..
    Last edited by Free Hand; 2010-06-16 at 10:23 AM.