Quote Originally Posted by Elagune View Post
Thanks for catching it guys.

I'll send a message to the guy about it, and I'll post up the page here until they fix it, I guess. Kind of a buzzkill, since it's probably the most important page in the chapter.


EDIT: Do any of you have ideas on how to increase my audience? Right now the only ones who know about Bibliography are the people reading this thread and those who already go to Gaijinmanga.com (which honestly probably isn't much).
Sweet Philosorapter, it's a Title Drop.

Publicity, eh? Let me think....

"Oh! Let me answer this!"

Huh? Anubis? How the hell did you get in this thre--

"Okay, first you're going to need the complete Discworld collection. Then, you'll need some cheese, a goat, Poland's entire supply of astro-biologists, and Faust. Then you--"

Anubis, shut up! Okay, anyway, you could try a bit easier and post it in other forums. Or possible another form of passing the word on.