I can add some tips here, for about 90% of my avatars I use multiple objects for the hair

I'm using inkscape, sodipodi isnt that much diifferent and I'm pretty sure this'll work for that other program too

prerequesits for this tuto:
- you know how to draw hair as in the post above
- know how to use object order
- skills: computer use 2 ranks, craft vector image 1 rank,
- abilities: dex 8, int 12

I wont be doing advanced hairstyles now, maybe later

ok, what we'll be going for:

We need the hair to be in front of the face and behind his back. While his face cant be behind his body. sort of hair < body < face < hair.

as you can see we need two layers of hair. Here's how we'll do that.

still bald:

We draw the outline without regard of what is in front or behind his shoulders. (I used two different objects for the right and the left)

we duplicate both outlines (ctrl+d in sopo or inkscape)
DO NOT MOVE THE DUPLICATES, I just did it to show I duplicated.
We move one set of hair to the back, this will make up the part of the hair behind the shoulders

enter node editing mode for the hair that is still up front:

remove the nodes below his shoulder and split the path to remove the line there:

what you'll have now:

do the same for the left:

add some details and you'll get: