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Thread: Broken Builds (3.5)

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Broken Builds (3.5)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu_Bonkosi View Post
    Lets see how you like roughly a 450 damage ray spell blasting at your face with no save...
    He was referring to the stat stack warrior which is admittedly rather unimpressive. Incantatrix is obviously much more so (and well-known), but choosing Ray as a seed spell is just poor choice: Simple Ray Deflection makes it a non-issue. Some SR: No autohit spell with no save tends to be the gold standard, or something like Combust that just doesn't collapse to simple defenses (generally Magic Immunity and Ranged Touch Immunity are the two big ones to work around).

    @Shneekey: Immune to fear, most likely. Also, most likely able to operate from a rather long range and thus never in range for Intimidation.
    Last edited by Eldariel; 2010-05-18 at 06:50 PM.
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