Not seen either of those...

Anyways, the plot ideas I've had are:

Malevolent AI and 'Guardian' robots police city until the residents are afraid to even leave their homes anymore, so motorcyclist/badass embarks on a quest to disable the AI using any means necessary.

Campy 40s Movie Comic
"Who can stand against these terrible fusions of MAN and SCIENCE?", obviously 'super-imposed' monsters, and bad effects on purpose. Basically meant to knock off cheesy 40s sci-fi movies.

and the only one not yet represented by some sort of sample,
Science-Fantasy Western
About a world which is populated by the descendants of a people who fled their world (Which was a generic fantasy world which achieved technology and space travel systems) which was being destroyed by an ancient evil. Now they're on a desert planet (they crashed here), with generic fantasy races at about western level technology with some lost sci-fi technology being used as weapons and such.