Now we're talking... that boost and strike are very very good
... only trouble is once an encounter... and the boost is swift so I wouldnt be able to go invis on the same round (or ghoststep or whatever)... right? Still pretty nice though.

So i would get access to those at hmm 9th IL.... which in my build is IL7 @lvl 12 so ... lvl 14.... So yeah it seems pretty fricking nice gotta say... I mean i have skilltrix to make charges easier so pounce is awesome though.

Definately something to think over.
the game is not likely to go much further than lvl 15 or so... and for that reason maybe you are correct... I mean really the feint ability from Invis Bld will be pointless when reduced and underfoot/confoundbig...

Oh Crap. Now i know why i didnt consider it before... Its a base class (though it doesnt feel like it right? lol)... so I'll take xp penalties for any lvls past the 2 that i have already (as of lvl 8).