Quote Originally Posted by Attilargh View Post
The ease of getting a high UtF modifier at first level has been mentioned, but I think it bears repeating. Because really, especially the mookier enemies just don't have the Defenses to stand against a Jedi with a Focus. For example, a Sith Trooper's Will is a lowly 10. I know mooks are supposed to be easy prey for Mind Tricks and such, but not even having to roll is a tad too easy.

In the game I run, I personally decided to take the easy way out and ban Skill Focus on Use the Force. It's not the most elegant of approaches, but it works.
It'd be much better to make it require level 9 or 10 than to outright ban it, and it doesn't require any work on the part of the DM.

A more involved fix is the Force Attack roll, which turns UtF against a defense into Heroic Level + Cha + 1 for Trained + 1 for Focus + d20.