in other news, I have six ideas for a comic here. I tend to come up with a lot of ideas. I can only give short summaries

Idea 1: Age of the Arcane
Takes place in a DnD world 700 years AFTER the Age of Adventurers ended, magitech is commonplace, the world is ruled by wizard empires, there are rebels opposing them and a lone wizard student is caught up in the resulting war.

Idea 2: The Campaign Trilogy
A trilogy of comics that are all deconstructions of DnD, the cliched "adventurers have random adventures" plot and the gratuitous fourth-wall breaking and RPG mechanics world. the three comics would be:
DM: a deconstruction of DnD as it is
NPC: a look at the world of DnD without any PC's or DM
and PC: DnD without a DM, but with NPC's and PC's

Idea 3: First Reality
a deconstruction of Final Fantasy where a ragtag group of adventurers band together to stop a steampunk empire from conquering the world by activating five crystals of magic- only to discover a far worse threat in the process.

Idea 4: The Story of a Dragon
a 10,000 year old dragon mad scientist tells you the story of his life from a first person point of view narrative.

Idea 5: Lightbringer
in a post-apocalyptic world where the gods themselves wiped out 90% of humanity, the only hope against soulless monsters wiping out what remains rests in an army of super-powered warriors called the "Lightbringers"
(I do not actually take credit for the idea of the setting this comic, as the setting was actually thought up by a close friend of mine)

Idea 6: Weblords
In the year 2100, all technology in the world is connected to the internet and people called "Weblords" who have unrivaled control over cyberspace through pure programming and hacking skill, rule supreme. Earth is in a constant of "Web Warfare" and the borders of web empires change everyday.
A lone rebellious hacker fights against the current world regime in a hope to bring back freedom, hope and goodness to everything.

whaddya think? too many ideas? probably, its my greatest strength- and my greatest weakness.