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Thread: LGBTitp - Part Six

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: LGBTitp - Part Six

    @Coidzor: No no, you don't get it. My mom literally doesn't understand trans people. She thinks we're just confused or making it up. She thinks that the proper pronoun to use is the one that reflects the sex that person was born with; she insists on calling an MtF a "he" and an FtM a "she." She doesn't understand that an FtM really is a guy who happens to have been born with a birth defect; she thinks we're just really confused girls. She does not think that we should be denied rights or forced into therapy against our will (though she'd probably pressure me to get some if I told her). I've successfully grown out of the angsty teenager, "Waah, my parents don't understand me!" phase, thanks; I didn't use that word as a euphemism. It's the correct word to use.

    @Eloi: You're right to a certain degree, and thank you for the reminder. I'm stressed out and not really thinking about that aspect. My mum wouldn't throw me out of the house or refuse to help fund my college education, and I'm very lucky in that regard. We have a good relationship and I know she loves me (and I love her). But you're underestimating her ability to get an idea stuck in her head and not be able to get around it. I'd anticipate countless screaming fits and a strong pressure to get therapy if she were to find out.
    Last edited by Danne; 2010-06-06 at 10:50 PM.