Quote Originally Posted by Kira_the_5th View Post
First off, if you have time time/levels,don't bother multiclassing to sorcerer. Wait until 10th level, then aim for the Sublime Chord prestige class. It does effectively a very similar result while giving you much better casting ability.
Sadly I can’t find any kind of info on this whatsoever, so I’m not sure if I want to take it. You got a link to a website or something that tells me what the class dose?

Also, you may want to choose what kind of focus you want with your bard. Do you want to fight really well with your axe, buff the party to extremes, focus on casting, etc.
I’m thinking casting really powerful sonic spells... and making golems :P

Lastly, as for your golems, I'm not sure how feasible that is for a bard. golem manuals are expensive, prohibitably so for the next few levels, and the XP costs to animate them yourself is something that you really can't afford to do all that often, especially if you're already a level behind.
Yeah I’m kinda worried about that too. Though I figure I could offset it by either asking the GM what I could do for extra EXP, or have my golems do tasks to make the game easier/better for the rest of the group. (Carrying supplies, opening doors/triggering traps so our rouge doesn’t need too, ETC)