Quote Originally Posted by Grommen View Post
I too think it's a mistake. Not a major one.

There is this exact feat in the Quintessential Warriors book by Mongoose. You can use double your STR bonus for attacks and damage, but you can't use Improved Initiative. Not saying that you can't have it on your character but you can't use the two together. And as far as I know you can use Power attack as well.

But now were all wondering about it. I really don't see how asking this brakes the trust bond. Your not accusing him, your just wondering what we all missed.
Oddly enough this smells right. I'd be disappointed if this turns out to be the case, the party had agreed not to use 3rd party sourcebooks and while Mongoose has a pretty good reputation its an option the rest of the party simply didn't have.

This guy is one of those players who's always hiding his character and making vague references to his abilities ("remember I have that ability if anything you know what happens") so I worry that he's tweaking above the DM's comfort level. He's sat in on games before and he has a history of interpretting rules in an interesting manner. As several people have pointed out, its only annoying. Its not like he's kicking over the game board and running roughshod over the campaign.