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Thread: Rant: High-Op Man, Low-Op World

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Rant: High-Op Man, Low-Op World

    Quote Originally Posted by Umael View Post
    ((Oh, look, I just deleted my first response. That was annoying.))

    No, it was nothing like that, although those are all good points to keep in mind.

    It was more along the lines of "When in Rome..." and "You brought this on yourself".

    They play Low-Op game. You are a High-Op person. There is going to be a clash if you try to get them to play the game your way.

    If they play it their way, and have fun, no issue. If they play it their way, and get slaughtered, oh well.

    It's a game. Roll with it.
    Yeah, that was kind of my point >< I'm rolling with it as best I can and frankly having a ball. Most of the optimization stuff comes OUTSIDE of the actual game, I peel back my character concepts, etc. etc. I'm PLAYING the low-op game and having fun with it. In the game where I am a bit ahead in party power level, it was partially at the DM's request because our front line was extremely weak and he wanted to be able to play challenging fights against us.

    I just wanted to vent some steam, was all :(

    EDIT: IE, I'm not trying to change my group or anything. I love them, love to play with them, love to DM for them. Just sometimes I want to bang my head on the table because they are really, really bad at the numbers side of it.

    Last edited by AtwasAwamps; 2010-06-14 at 12:02 PM.
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