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Thread: BleachITP Reborn Character Registry

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn Character Registry

    Sören Stein, Bount and High School English Teacher (First Name, Last Name)
    Reiatsu: "Pale Turquoise."

    Sören looks little more than 19 or 20 years old. He’s tall, about 6ft, and a little on the skinny side. His hair is kept relatively short and scruffy, and is a steely grey in colour, as are his eyes. He typically wears a white shirt and a pair of dark denim jeans with a matching jacket.

    Sören is somewhat manic in his demeanour, oscillating between extremes of emotion, or lack thereof, with uncomfortable ease. He speaks his mind, and rarely pulls punches in conversation.

    Non-Supernatural Abilities
    Linguist: Sören can speak Modern English, Middle English, Old English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Old High German, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Latin - both Classical and Modern RC, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Mongolian, Japanese, Cherokee, Ancient Sumerian, Afrikaans and Romanian as fluently as a native speaker, even the dead languages.

    Zeige Dich, Männlicheinlädt – Show yourself, Man-who-Invites.

    Whilst sealed, Männlicheinlädt (also occasionally called Männy to be derogatory) takes the shape of a semi-automatic pistol.

    When released, Männlicheinlädt takes a tall humanoid shape, around 10ft in height, though the pistol remains. It carries a strange spear with a head almost like a combat knife, as well as wearing a mask that is almost Hollow-like. The Doll is highly skilled with its spear, and has control over wind, which it primarily uses for powerful ranged assaults, deflecting projectiles and accelerating both itself and its master. Männlicheinlädt is exceptionally fast, though it has nothing equivalent to shunpo or sonido.

    In combat, Männlicheinlädt does most of the fighting, but Sören is not afraid to dart in and help his Doll with his fists or his feet.


    Männlicheinlädt can make use of the following techniques:

    Zio: A simple bolt of fairly low-voltage electricity, enough to cause injury, but hardly life-threatening. Mazio is the same effect over a wide area.

    Zionga: A more potent electrical attack, capable of causing serious harm. Mazionga creates this effect over a wide area.

    Ziodyne: An extremely powerful lighting attack, capable of causing damage comparable to that of an actual bolt of lightning.

    Masukukaja: Subtle air currents speed Männlicheinlädt and Sören's movements whilst hampering their foes'.

    Bonding: Männlicheinlädt Gottheit (Not yet achieved)

    The following abilities become available in Sören's Bonding or are enhanced.

    Maziodyne: This functions as per Ziodyne, except over a large area, calling down a storm of lightning bolts over the effected area.

    Masukukaja: The effects of this ability are amplified in the bonding.

    Blitzherrschaft - Lightning Reign: This ability calls down a bolt of lightning with roughly four times the potency of a Ziodyne. Any being struck by this attack that survives will suffer extreme muscle spasms for up to a minute after contact, depending on the resilience of the target.

    Siegesschrei - Victory Cry: Männlicheinlädt Gottheit lets out a battle cry and immediately absorbs all ambient reishi within the immediate vicinity, allowing for a single exceptionally quick regeneration. However, the lack of ambient reishi plays havoc with other abilities - most commonly air walking, but the lack of reishi in the air also prohibits Männlicheinlädt Gottheit from using its own electrical manipulation abilities in the area until the reishi is replenished.


    Garoux "Roux" Lobosolo, Numero #12
    Name: Garoux Lobosolo(First, Last)
    Gender: Male.
    Height: 6’8’’
    Weight: 198lbs.
    Hair: Dark grey towards the roots, black towards the tips.
    Eyes: Slate grey.
    Actual Age/Apparent: 367/Mid-twenties.
    Reiatsu/Speech: Dark Grey. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B][/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
    Aspect of Death: Obstinacy.

    Physical Description
    Garoux cuts a tall figure with an athletic build. His hair is kept shoulder-length, and he is plagued with a perpetual five o’clock shadow. His eyes are the colour of slate, and possess a piercing, predatory gaze. His hollow hole pierces his chest right where his trachea would branch into his lungs. His Arrancar uniform is mostly typical, though he has replaced the hakama with slightly flared trousers. His mask fragment consists of an array of canine teeth arranged just below his neck like a necklace.

    Garoux comes over as gruff and reserved, but he considers himself prudent and practical. For him, it comes down to doing exactly what is necessary to fulfil a given task, and no more. He rarely gets close to anyone, and only those who do so and those ranked above him are permitted to use shortened name. Anyone else is asking for a dirty, gritty fight.


    Combat Abilities: Roux’s physical strength and cero are average for one of his rank. His sonido and hierro are notably above average, whilst his bala is effectively useless. Whilst competent with his own zanpakutou, his skill with traditional swords is abysmal, though he is highly skilled in unarmed combat, often mixing blows from his body and his zanpakutou when using the latter.

    Correr sin Final - Running Without End: Roux’s endurance is remarkable. Physical activity on his part simply cannot wear him out at all, and his ability to detect pain and sense of touch are both vastly inferior to the norm.

    Zanpakutou: Ashur – Lone Wolf
    Whilst sealed, Ashur takes the shape of a combat knife with no notable features.

    Resurrección: Howl, Ashur
    In Resurrección, Roux’s appearance does not change drastically. His clothing changes to a white shirt, a sleeveless collared white jacket, though he retains the slightly flared trousers. Both the forearms of the shirt and the lower sections of the trousers have thin tassels of grey wolf hair hanging from their outermost edge, and the collar of the jacket is edged with similarly coloured wolf fur. His mask fragment is also altered – the necklace of fangs are gone, replaced with a fanged maw over Roux’s own mouth. His zanpakutou makes no appearance in his released state, replaced with a pair of clawed gloves of Adjuchas bone.

    Combat Abilities: In Resurrección, Roux's strength, speed and hierro all increase, though the latter two remain his physical strengths.

    Cero del Cazador - Cero of the Hunter: This unique cero is actually a combination with Garganta. Whilst much smaller than a standard cero (being only about two fists across in diameter), this attack opens an equally small Garganta just in front of the charging cero that opens some distance behind the target of the attack.

    Acosar los Talones - Worry the Heels: Whilst released, physical contact with Roux disrupts the flow of reiryoku employed in casting kido. If Roux touches someone in the process of uttering a kido, the power dedicated to fuelling the kido collapses and returns to the caster, who will have to begin the casting process anew.


    Hubert Fiorentini, Agent 07 (First Name, Last Name)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 43
    Height: 6'7"
    Weight: 149 pounds
    Reiatsu: Utterly blank.
    Speech Colour: Dark Slate Grey
    Nationality: French
    Faction: S.W.O.R.D
    Code Name: "Mortified Jackal"

    Hubert looks like a man whose prime is beginning to fade away. There's a tired look in his dark eyes, his hairline beginning to recede, with what's left heavily tinged with grey, as is his unshaven face. However, his body is trim and muscular, and he shows no signs of even beginning to slow down. Typically, he wears tight t-shirts and jeans, usually with little regard to fashion.

    In full combat gear, his entire body is covered with a matt black bodyglove overlaid with a thin kevlar vest and a body combat rig and hip rigs for his sidearm and knife.

    Hubert spent most of his early adult life serving with French Intelligence. During a stint in the 80s, he was stationed in Japan and fell in love with a woman from Japanese intelligence named Miko Fujioka whom he was working alongside. After two years, she left him without a word.

    Hubert returned to France and continued serving with French Intelligence for two more years before leaving and finding employ with initially a Private Military Contractor and later the Parisian police. After a particularly hard few months, he received a call from a Japanese legal firm stating that Miko had passed away recently and had named him sole legatee. He received a few effects, a suspiciously vast sum of money and Miko's daughter, whose birth certificate named him as the father.

    He was set to retire and move to Japan permanently when he and his daughter were attacked by a Hollow. The assault left Hubert's daughter in a coma and him with newfound spiritual awareness and a desire to put it to use. With the source of his new lease of life tied up to several machines, he had no regrets when the recruitment officers from S.W.O.R.D. showed up.

    Hubert is tired, grim, and all too used to the rigours of espionage and covert warfare. His new life has been snatched out from under him, and he's been left with a bitter taste of vengeance in his mouth.

    Tools and Dials

    AetherRun Bodyglove: Hubert's bodyglove can be activated to draw on ambient reishi for one of two purposes - either to enhance the speed and reaction times of its wearer, or to allow it, its wearer and all of its wearer's equipment to phase through solid objects.

    Lonely Tree Dial: This dial absorbs ambient low-level sound in its immediate vicinity and uses it to slightly enhance the wearer's reaction time and strength.

    Eclipsed Chameleon Dial: This dial absorbs excess kinetic energy from the wearer's movements and uses it to allow them to blend into shadows and darkness far more easily. By expended all absorbed reiatsu, and thus negating the shadow blending for a short period, the dial also allows for a single short range teleport of up to ten feet.


    Five-seveN SC Pistol with silencer: or the FNSC for short. Modified to accept S.W.O.R.D standard issue ammunition, the FNSC serves as Hubert's sidearm. It also features an integral laser microphone that allows for the interception of conversations beyond earshot or behind glass.
    SC-20K M.A.W.S: is a prototype modular assault rifle featuring integral 6x magnified sighting scopes and silencer. It features an underslung grenade launcher, which Hubert typically utilises to deliver nonlethal payloads
    SC Combat Knife: A 6" double-edged combat knife modified to deal with spiritual targets as well as physical ones.

    Other Equipment
    Ajna Mk.II Reconnaissance Multilense Goggles: This piece of headwear can switch between full-colour night vision, thermal vision and wave vision, which allows for the perception of strong electrical current.

    Non-Lethal Grenade Payloads: Hubert has access to CS gas grenades, flashbangs, smoke grenades and ring airfoil rounds, all used for removing targets with nonlethal means.

    Espionage Equipment: Hubert possesses lockpicks, an advanced array of bugs, an optic cable, a wrist-mounted multipurpose handheld device as well as secure lines of communication with his superiors and handler.

    General Abilities
    Kido: None, beyond the stealth-related abilities provided by his equipment.

    Hoho: Hubert's athleticism is near human peak, despite his age, and with his equipment, he can occasionally reach superhuman levels as well.

    Zanjutsu/Melee: Hubert has received advanced training in knife combat, as one would expect from a special operative, and has had plenty of chances to refine his technique.

    Hakuda: Similarly, his hand-to-hand combat skills are exceptional for a human too, having received advanced training refine with years of field practice.

    Marksmanship: Yet again, Hubert has received top military training and refined it with years of practice.

    Stealth: Even without his equipment, Hubert is exceptional at avoiding notice. He can slip by almost anyone without superhuman senses.


    The Concierge
    Name: The Concierge

    Gender: Unknown, but build suggests male.
    Height: Exactly 6ft.
    Weight: An even 200 pounds.
    Hair: Unknown.
    Eyes: Unknown.
    Actual Age/Apparent: Unknown/Unknown.
    Reiatsu/Speech: White/Palish grey. [B][color=#555555][/color][/b]
    Faction: Current employer.

    The Concierge’s appearance is indeterminable, as no one has seen them outside of their iconic outfit: a white Alpinestars racing suit, white Simpson Diamondback race helmet, white on black Alpinestars Tech 1-Z gloves and white Alpinestars 1-K kart shoes.

    Hard to judge, as the Concierge never actually speaks, communicating solely through gestures and body language. However, they appear to have a fixation on their vehicles, modifying all cars and motorcycles to absolute peak performance and keeping them immaculate for each and every job. Whilst their driving skill is usually more than enough to ensure their vehicle remains perfectly undamaged, on the rare occasions they are damaged, the Concierge is reduced to a fugue state wherein they become unresponsive to the world beyond the damaged vehicle.

    The Concierge’s history is a simple one: he showed up in Fusichou town nearly ten years ago, and has provided transport for those who can afford his exorbitant sums. Morality does not seem important to them: they are as willing to drop a VIP off at a dinner or ceremony as they are to run drugs or participate in a kidnapping. They only seem to care about their deals being honoured and unaltered and that no one dies within blood splatter distance of their vehicles.

    Spiritual entities know that they offer other forms of transport: for the right amount of mortal money, they will happily transport you between Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, the Mortal World or even the Dangai.


    Driving Skill: The Concierge can drive any motorised land vehicle almost flawlessly – gear shifts are almost always perfect and his manoeuvring borders on supernatural.

    Reaction Time: Coinciding with the above, the Concierge’s reaction time is truly exceptional, and well above human capability.

    Physical Abilities: The Concierge’s physical capacities are at human peak or just beyond, though they do not appear to respond to pain at all.

    The Keychain: Apparently at-will, the Concierge can manifest heavy lengths of chain from either sleeve. Each link of these chains has a key welded or melted into both of its outermost edges, all of them sharpened to lethal levels. The Concierge can break a key off from the chains as they wish and utilise them to summon their vehicles or to open their own unique form of spiritual portal.

    Unique Portals: The Concierge’s unique portals possess all the capabilities and limitations of a Garganta, but only accept vehicles and their contents. Anything else hits an impenetrable and invisible wall.

    The Concierge has access to a vast array of modified automobiles and motorcycles, but their most commonly used vehicle is a black Aston Martin Vanquish. All the Concierge's vehicles have been modified to the highest performance level their physical construction will actually allow.


    Hashimoto Daikuma
    Name: Hashimoto Daikuma (Family, First)
    Gender: Male
    Height: 8’2”
    Weight: 458lbs.
    Actual Age/Apparent: 344/mid-thirties.
    Reiatsu/Speech: BLACK-BLUE NATURALLY, BLACK-GREEN and PURE BLACK at other times; see Hakuda techniques.
    Daikuma is a hulking brute of a man whose body has been heavily altered by repeatedly channelling the reiryoku necessary for the vicious Hakuda styles he practices and his own body modifications. His skin is bronzed, almost to the point looking truly metallic, and is threaded with cursive geometric tattoos of a vicious, acidic green. His hair defies gravity in a dark tangled mass that evokes comparison to both smoke and bloodstains. A mask of plain black metal, featureless beyond the slits for his eyes, sits permanently welded to his face, a pair of massive oversized brass bracers likewise bound to his forearms.

    Once a proud member of Hannibal’s 11th Division, Daikuma’s madness has only intensified with time. Completely solipsistic, Daikuma sees the world as little more than fevered nightmare over which he has to assert authority and dominance if he is to escape. He is convinced that everyone and everything he sees is a symbolic representation of some part of his own damaged psyche that he cannot allow to go uncontrolled by his conscious ‘sane’ self. This belief results in megalomaniacal attempts to assert his right to rule everything that exists. The thing most likely to pass his lips upon meeting someone is “Kneel or be knelt”.

    Once, Daikuma was dedicated member of old 11th Division, serving under the former Captain, Hannibal. Quite what rank he held in the Division at the time is now long-lost in the paper based bureaucracy of the Seireitei. However, it is known that he heavily favoured Hakuda in combat, by and large neglecting both his Zanjutsu and his Kido. Again, the specifics of his combat capabilities during this period are lost, but it is assumed he practiced at least one Higher Hakuda Style. What is known is this: roughly 150 years ago, Daikuma left the Seireitei, ostensibly on a sabbatical. When he returned, he visited the 11th’s captain, permanently shattered his own zanpakutou before their very eyes, then proceeded to leave for the Rukongai, whereupon he began carving a swathe of destruction. When a team was sent to intervene, they were overcome by Daikuma’s mastery of two Higher Hakuda Styles no one had ever seen before. With them, he was able to force his opponents into a retreat, before escaping to the Mortal World. Little has been heard of him since.

    Zanjutsu: Whilst presumably quite good, Daikuma’s zanjutsu is never utilised, as he refuses to wield a weapon of any kind, with large heavy objects for throwing being the notable exception.

    Hakuda: Daikuma’s Hakuda skill is truly exceptional. He has not fought any other way for decades, and knows the vast majority of all Lower Hakuda techniques, in addition to actively practicing two Higher Hakuda Styles.

    Hoho: Daikuma’s Hoho is competent, but can be heavily enhanced in certain circumstances by his Higher Hakuda Styles.

    Kido: Even if Daikuma knows any Kido, he absolutely refuses to use it under any circumstances.

    In addition to this, Daikuma’s raw physical strength is staggering, and his resilience to blows is almost equally exceptional.

    None. Daikuma has completely and utterly abandoned his zanpakutou in exchange for focusing on his favoured schools of Hakuda.

    Hakuda Techniques
    Infernal Monster Style
    The entities of Hell are locked away from the rest of the world – as they should be. Their fury and vitriol towards all things, alive and dead, cannot be allowed to be free. Yet the Infernal Monster wanders free, its hatred, spite and fury beyond restraint, for there will always be someone who decides to turn their rage into a weapon. Those who emulate the concept of the Infernal Monster through this style become masters of techniques of exceptional cathartic brutality.

    Retribution Will Follow: Striking the Infernal Monster serves only to fuel his anger. This is unwise. Upon being wounded by any means, the stylist is free to enter a berserk state wherein they ignore all pain and shrug off mental influence with shocking ease.

    Raging Behemoth Charge: Like all monsters, the Infernal Monster is predisposed to giving chase. Any time the stylist attempts to use shunpo to close with an opponent rather than to avoid an attack, the speed of their flash step increases dramatically.

    Infernal Monster Form: One must possess the body of the Infernal Monster in order to truly emulate it. Adopting this reiryoku-fuelled stance causes the stylist’s eyes to glow with green fire and alters their reiatsu aura to match. Furthermore, the stylist’s overall size and mass increase by roughly 10% and his limbs are filled with strength enough to shatter stone and metal with consummate ease. Finally, any attempt to locate the stylist or view the vicinity he is in through supernatural means have their typical effects hijacked, returning only a single vocal declaration: “The monster is here”.

    Fists of the Old Ones: Those hurled away by the Infernal Monster’s blows may count themselves fortunate: it is always possible they will land out of sight and not die, just as it is always possible that the monster will forget about them in favour of new prey. The stylist may channel reiryoku into their arms and fists, endowing their blows with irresistible momentum. Any unarmed attacks enhanced by this technique that make contact will send the target flying roughly twenty yards directly away from the impact at exceptional speed.

    Glory to the Demon-Monster: The Infernal Monster draws power from its limitless anger. Whenever the stylist has Retribution Will Follow and Infernal Monster Form active simultaneously, the amount of reiryoku required to fuel the other techniques of the style drops noticeably, though not massively.

    One-Hand Fury: The Infernal Monster is not a human monster, and his limbs are not human limbs. Channelling reiryoku into one fist, the stylist encases it in cracked brass of supernatural resilience, with green flames blazing forth from the gaps in the metal, multiplying the power of blows from that fist threefold.

    Sadistic Bodhisattva Style
    The truly enlightened are aware of all possibilities – even the means of inflicting agony. The Sadistic Bodhisattva takes all-too common martial art maneuvers and turns them into vessels for agony and maiming attempts. To most martial artists, this style feels distinctly unnatural, trading efficiency and stopping power for pure sadistic potential.

    Witness to Agony: The Sadistic Bodhisattva knows that a helpless opponent is open to all sorts of treatment. Reiryoku flaring from his digits, the stylist gouges at his opponent’s eyes. Anyone who loses an eye to this technique finds that the wound resists healing kido – the eye socket having been spiritually cauterised by the stylist’s reiryoku.

    Inescapable Iron Maiden Grip: Flooding his limbs with reiryoku, the stylist enhances his grip, backing his own strength with the unyielding vigour of rigour mortis.

    Sadistic Bodhisattva Form: Though he inflicts pain, the Sadistic Bodhisattva is no stranger to receiving it himself – and now it’s time for payback. Adopting this reiryoku-enhanced stance causes the stylist’s eyes to turn into blank black voids, their reiatsu aura transforming to match. Whilst maintaining the stance, the stylist becomes able to deliver pain with exceptionally efficiency, the speed of his unarmed blows almost trebling.

    Familiar Supports Shattered: No matter how deeply hidden something may be, it is not beyond the reach of the Sadistic Bodhisattva’s agonising touch. Channelling reiryoku into his blow, the stylist magnifies the impact transferred to the target’s internals permitting bones to be broken, joints to be dislocated and organs pulped with much less physical force.

    Grievous Agony Atemi: No trick is too low for the Sadistic Bodhisattva, so long as discomfort results. Striking below the belt, or performing some equally painful act of dirty fighting, the stylist channels reiryoku in order to magnify the pain inflicted by the attack tenfold.

    Illustrative Overkill Technique: The Sadistic Bodhisattva finds simply killing to be far too dull. Killing an enemy so brutally that every witness finds their heart and limbs frozen with terror… now that’s satisfying. Upon landing a mortal blow, the stylist channels reiryoku in order to fuel his limbs with the strength necessary to kill his target in whatever spectacularly horrifying manner he finds appropriate. All weak-willed witnesses (read: NPC “extras”) are automatically overcome with terror and revulsion at the sight and any entity without notable reiryoku unfortunate enough to view such a killing will automatically flee at the sight, or else undergo a complete mental breakdown. PC heroic/villainous willpower trumps the effects of this technique, and are as effected by what they witness as their player deems them to be.
    Last edited by Edge; 2011-08-04 at 07:03 AM.