Well the campaign ended today. We were in a fight and the last of the original characters died to a lion's pounce. You know, stuff happens. Whatever.

The responses from the other characters were awesome. I decided to take off the kid gloves since the game was ending, and used Polymorph to turn myself and my little rat pet into... well... 7 headed pyro hydras. First, Squeaks (the rat) finished off 2 of the lions with a series of seven breaths (the GM agreed with my findings that it was an attack, since it wasn't listed as a breath weapon, an ex, su, or sa ability). Then the bard decided to try and backstab me. Well, I have a ridiculously high fort save (see: rat familiar and hydra form), and so we both passed the stun DC. And then ate him. And then returned and ate the remaining lions, one of whom was sitting in my earlier-cast black tentacles.

For the next campaign I've already hinted to this player (who's now attacked me with each of his characters while for all but the last one I just passively did nothing) and the group at large that my next character is not going to be a nice guy. He is apparently playing a rogue/wizard combo (going for arcane trickster) while I'm playing a summon-focused druid.