Quote Originally Posted by golem1972 View Post
Why did the campaign end? You seemed to have handled the encounter rather handily. Was there something special about the original characters that prevented the story from progressing without them? This, to me, is a sign of a bad campaign design.
The campaign ended for this reason:

There had been a rash of party deaths recently, and as it were, less than half of the remaining party were original members of the party. In fact, only two of the original six players remained (I was not one of them) who picked the campaign setting in the first place. We were going to end a story arc and then end the campaign, which was my character rescuing his fiance from a sorcerer.

But then we decided that if the last original party member died that we should just restart the campaign because the reasons for people joining the party were very thing. See, there had been a very LARGE rash of player deaths due to player stupidity (ok, mostly the guy who's character I killed who was on like his fifth character) and a couple unlucky rolls. Unfortunately one of those unlucky rolls occurred and the party rogue pushed herself a bit further than she could go.

So the campaign ended by unanimous agreement that we'd do something else.

You mention that the bard's player has attacked you with every character while you were passively doing nothing. Was he trying to provoke your character to do something / anything rather than just sit there, or is he a jerk and there is some OOC "reason" for him to provoke intra-party conflict with no IC reason?
The ooc reasons are silly... he sees himself as in competition with me. I just kind of laughed it off which caused him to hold his opinion, etc.

Summoning Druid, heh. That's gonna be a change. Be a good player (player, not character, RP however you want) and work out your summons list before you start playing. Write down each summons stat block altered for any feats you have and leave room for any spells you may buff them with. A dire wolf is an ok animal, a (Greenbound, Augmented, Beckon the Frozen) dire wolf that's been feat buffed may be different than one that's been spell buffed (non - Greenbound, Augemented, Beckon the Frozen, Animal Growthed).
First thing I did Ok, no, first thing I did was augmented stat block for animal companion Next I'm writing out a spell list which means my "character sheet" is really going to be five-six pieces of paper.