Quote Originally Posted by Dragonrider View Post
@Koorli: Curses, a thousand curses! Here in the land of 300 days of sunshine (or whatever they claim to be) it's cloudy, windy, and dreary. Have Inglaterra and my banana belt hometown mysteriously swapped?

This weather seriously screws with my brain. We had a balmy January, windy February, and rainy rainy rainy March, April, May, and June. The river is higher than I've ever seen it this time of year, but I WANT MY YEARLY FOUR MONTHS OF DROUGHT.
I like that name . . . I shall steal it and use it equally alongside Britland. It makes me happy.

From the sounds of it though, it does seem like your home's swapped with mine though. We've had the CrAzYnEsS in the weather that seems like our normal weathers have done a freaky Friday on us.

I have a bed now. Seriously. A bed. Not a settee, not a floor, but an actual bed. Granted, it's a fold-away bed, but it's a bed.
I am pleased.