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Thread: (3.5) Gestalt Character Help Needed

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: (3.5) Gestalt Character Help Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by Wings of Peace View Post
    I realize you've already made up your mind which is good, but just to toss it out there so that you know your options:

    Archivist 10/Sacred Exocist 1/Archivist 2//Warlock 12/Unbound Scroll 1

    Will get you all the goodness of the Archivist and with Warlock allow you to craft scrolls for any spell you could ever want. It takes some feat shenanigans but progressing after Warlock into Unbound Scroll also reduces your casting costs meaning you can pretty easily learn any spell in the game.
    Curse you Wings of Peace and your salesmanship! Why do you have to make such wanton destruction sound so appealing?

    Alright, I'll bite. Please tell me how this build works exactly. Where's this sacred exorcist and unbound scroll? I'm not too familiar with either.

    Edit: @zovc: I know getting the potential extra standard action would be better than my little chameleon-shenanigans, but I'd rather get done with my chameleon levels and have the option of those arcane/divine spells all the time then another standard action. Optimal? Not quite, but c'est la vie.
    Thanks for the advice though!

    (and it is at 8th level)
    Last edited by Protecar; 2010-06-26 at 04:57 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ancalagon View Post
    Wow. You must be at least... 5000 years old. Probably even more! ;)

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