*snrks cryptically*

Anyways, I can understand for most classes the problem with using less or equal levels of an alternative class than the secret ingredient (I felt similar pangs judging the last), however, in a build like Master of Masks where there is little improvement with added levels, mainly just more options, I can see where there really isn't all that much need to go the full 10.

Once you get the masks you want that blends best with the rest of the build you might as well say it capped at the point of usefulness as there really is no 'cap' to Master of Masks. No comfortable 'I've graduated' moment. Beyond that you're throwing in levels simply to coincide with the contest, not because it improves the strength or elegance or even creativity.

As well, many PrC's end at levels lower than 10. If the challenge included one of those that only went 5 levels, or, heck 3 levels in a few cases, how would you work that out?