Quote Originally Posted by Rutskarn View Post
To be honest, my problems with the whole Bioshock Big Daddy thing isn't even so much that killing them seems wrong. Obviously, if you assume that the Big Daddies are a.) wholly inhuman and that b.) saving the Little Sisters makes their lives totally better and awesome forever, killing them is fine, but the game did not do a good job of convincing me of that. The game shoves this "moral choice" onto you, but then doesn't adequately explore just what condition the Little Sisters are in, what they're used for, who the Big Daddies are--I've been called on to kill like a half-dozen BDs so far, and at no point has anybody given me a straight answer as to what they are.

I guess I'm annoyed at the developers for trying to have some great moral choice without actually giving me the facts.
Actually they do.
It's just, you know...
Implied via the audio logs, hints by their design and interaction and what not.
And, spoilers.
The... what is it, second to last area of the game, is where they make the Big Daddies and Little Sisters.
So you do get to see, perfectly, the whole process that leads to their creation.
A bit late, true, but it's all there.