<To Tevash>

Aldous' eyes grow wide as Tevash recounts his tale. Ooh, that sounds absolutely terrifying!" he gasps, "I hope you find your friends, mister...Well, the Militiaman is this rundown old inn that I've been living in. It's got all sorts of nifty passages and crawlspaces and the like. Crais, he owns the place. He's pretty nice, but sometimes he can be really grumpy and serious. He lets me stay there since I set up his security system. Maybe you can stay too, but I don't know what we'd have you do. Can you cook? Crais doesn't eat all that much, but I like good food whenever I can get it. Oh, also, don't be scared to crane your neck when you meet Crais; he floats in midair. The young boy rattles off this strange truth as if it was nothing--as if he had told you the color of Crais' hair, or his height. "Mister Tevash, do you know how to make bacon and eggs? My mother makes a mean bacon and eggs. Do you have any children?"