The most important thing in a relationship - any relationship - is communication. Being able to talk about things (feelings, interests, working through disagreements) is something that is monumental. All the people I have known for years and care for the most are people I can TALK to. Doesn't have to be for hours or every day or whatever. That's what I love about my best friends. Whatever happens, we can either laugh about it or talk through and find a way to deal with it. And a new perspective is always nice. And it's much easier to, for example, date someone a few times and say, "You know, I like you but this just isn't working for me," than to drag it out, make excuses, try to fix it, spare someone's feelings, etc. Honesty? Sure - but being able to express that effectively is the way to go.

...this coming from a girl in the midst of a divorce...