Quote Originally Posted by Owrtho View Post
I'll think about adding the ability to not provoke attacks of opportunity when grappling, though I'm not sure how or where would be best.
In order to use devour you need to grapple. If your opponent can hit you, the grapple automatically fails. 1-2 levels of trying to devour with that restriction would be more than enough. Therefore, I suggest they gain the ability at level 3, level 4 at the latest. Level 3 is when they get tentacles, so it would make sense for them to get it then. But at level 4 they get strange anatomy, so it could make sense there too.

A different issue: In order to retrieve items, you need to have features in your stomach. But you can’t add features to your stomach until you get swallow whole at level 9. Which means a level 8 or lower Ozodrin can’t retrieve the loot. So at levels 3-8 your party threatens to shank you if you eat opponents with gear?
Really, why can’t you just vomit them up? Having a tentacle horror eat a guy and them vomit out his digested remains isn’t monstrous enough? There is no mechanical need for a penalty, and I don’t see why the flavor wouldn’t work with something more group-friendly.

Still not sure about the alternate movement forms, and as you said, the aberrant feats tend to cover them.
Hmmm…. What are you not sure about? I can’t really help since I’m not sure what the problem is. Power concerns? Flavor Concerns?

I think it is time to put the features in a spoiler block. It would make the class easier to read.
Btw – do you have any ideas for levels 9,12, and 14? Trying to make a 16th level npc. :P