Hey guys, thanks for the advice on the PrCs and the Bard guide. There's some really awesome stuff there. I find myself agreeing with subject42 - at will and per-encounter abilities are indeed awesome. If anyone knows of other base of PrCs with these that haven't been mentioned, that'd be really neat.

Also, I was wondering if anyone might give a little more in depth info on Psions: eg how they stack up to comparable classes, how well they generally work, basic play mechanics.

I noticed that a level 20 Psion gets 343 power points per day. I know not all Psion powers cost 1 power point, but am I mistaken in thinking that's a lot? Does that stack up to be roughly equal to the wizard / sorcerer spells per day of each spell level? Is it still more "spells" per day than the typical caster classes? It seemed a bit more to me, but I didn't actually look through the Psionic abilities, so I can't say I know for sure.

Thanks guys.