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Thread: Iron Chef Optimization Challenge VIII

  1. - Top - End - #269
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Iron Chef Optimization Challenge VIII

    Elemental Rime bestows vulnerability to fire. It is a contact poison, so it will not affect some creatures, but worth the cost for a high level Pyro.

    I am sure there are other means of bestowing vulnerability. If the energy substitution feat could be applied to spells, then that would benefit a Pyro. Unfortunately, that would require a lot of dumpster diving to gather all of the spells that could be modified. Relying on an energy substitution wand or scroll puts you in the same boat as relying on gauntlets of energy transformation. The theme of the character is compromised a little bit less though.

    I am not too fussed though. Within it's focus, the Pyrokineticist is a strong prestige class. It has a few methods of circumventing Resistances or Immunities via it's capstone, but is still very reliant on dealing one type of damage. It is not CoDzilla strong or as versatile as Batman, but I am ok with that.

    edit: I flipped though my books and could find nothing that gives energy vulnerability. Not with the spells I looked at anyway. There may be some Psionics that allow this, or some spells in splatbooks I do not own. Bestow Curse might bestow a vulnerabilty, or remove Immunity, but that would be DM discretion. I know I have seen it somewhere...

    edit 2: Energy Vulnerability, PHB 2. Cleic 3, Sor/Wiz 3. Delivery via Scroll, Wand, Potion or Spell storing weapon. Only affects 1HD per caster level. Energy Manipulation, CPsi. Psion/Wilder 5. Target creatures energy abilities are suppressed/cause it untyped damage when it uses them. Still retains it's type though.
    Last edited by WinWin; 2010-07-25 at 02:44 AM.