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Thread: Character Class Recommendations

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    TooManyBadgers's Avatar

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    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Character Class Recommendations

    One class I haven't seen mentioned is the Spirit Shaman from Complete Divine.

    It's kind of like a variant Druid with a lot less of the paperwork, less of the outrageous power and a slightly different focus. I believe it's tied with the Focused Specialist Wizard as the base class with the most spells/day.

    It operates with a funky cross between the prepared and spontaneous casting systems - every day SSs choose spells from the Druid list which can be selected freely throughout the day. Despite the somewhat limited effects on that list, this means the SS (at mid- to high-levels anyway) has a great deal of versatility, both in choosing abilities for the day and in choosing abilities for specific circumstances.

    It shares the Druid's framework [4 skill points/d8 HD/2 good saves] and has enough miscellaneous weapon and armor proficiencies to have something to contribute even without spells, it has class abilities to see, communicate with and blast spirits and it has a funky "spirit guide" that can concentrate for the SS at higher levels, making it especially capable with spells like Summon Elemental Monolith (C.Arcane).

    It may be worth a look.


    For my favorite prestige classes, I have to say:

    Battledancer (Oriental Adventures): This is a weird class. It doesn't get a whole lot of class abilities, it doesn't get a whole lot of skills, it doesn't get any casting. But it's a class that I've never had to say to myself "Huh. There is nothing here for me to do." The class's defining ability is moving really fast. In its first level, it doubles a character's landspeed. In 10 levels, it triples it. Then it gets some hefty skill bonuses in mobility skills and a few temporary weapon enchantment abilities and full BA... nothing particularly powerful, but all of it very fun.

    Malconvoker (Complete Scoundrel): A summoning class based on tricking demons to join you in your own [non-evil] causes. Frankly, it's not particularly powerful for a spellcasting class; a straightclassed wizard might even outsummon it at most levels, but it drips with fun fluff and minor abilities that make it something of a wash. Any way they're presented, Faustian pacts are fun [and so are classes that get to make them].

    Hexer (Masters of the Wild): This class is just silly. It gives 10/10 levels divine casting, 10/10 Base Attack progression, d8 HD, access to 5 Wizard spells throughout its progression and a few hexes to toss at enemies. It requires a monstrous race, evil alignment and divine Lightning Bolt - meaning Adepts, Shugenja and Archivists are typically the only classes that can enter (without tricks, anyway), but it's a great class, especially for Witch-types.
    Last edited by TooManyBadgers; 2010-07-26 at 11:22 AM.