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Thread: Monks

  1. - Top - End - #45
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Monks

    The problems with the monk in summation:

    1) His abilities bring him up to the level of some random guy in armor with a sword while naked. The abilities of a fighter bring them far beyond the random guy with a sword as long as he's holding a sword.. which is almost always.

    2) Their two key abilities are their mobility and their flurry of blows. Their flurry of blows requires that they not use their mobility. this is the same problem as all of the fighting classes.. itterative attacks were supposed to exponentially increase their damage output but you so rarely get to make a full attack that damage is barely linear as you level.

    3) Lack of and expense of items. Getting a regular weapon enchanted costs

    +1 2,000 gp
    +2 8,000 gp
    +3 18,000 gp
    +4 32,000 gp

    The amulet of might fists costs over 3 times as much AND uses the amulet slot, which would otherwise boost the monks ac or con.

    6,000 gp (+1), 24,000 gp (+2), 54,000 gp (+3), 96,000 gp (+4), 150,000 gp (+5)

    They also can't wear magic armor.
    Last edited by derfenrirwolv; 2010-08-01 at 12:00 AM.