Alright, ignore the reference to the other character (just remove that part of the ability) then. I'll admit that was odd.

As for the bullets part, I'll specify that he can only do that at level 5, and he's able to react that quickly because it's more of a subconscious thing (Something like Accelerator, but requiring actual visual contact with the item). Also, doing something like that takes an effort to match the force of whatever is heading towards him. In the case of a bullet, it's a pretty decent force, and it's not like he could take a constant barrage of them. It's more like in a pinch he would be able to deflect a bullet or two to save his life.

As for the immunity to Capacity Down, it just seems like a person able to control sound would have some sort of resistance against it. I'm thinking now though that it's only for him (can't help others), and still keep the short time limit even at level 5. (about 10 minutes or so?) Protecting himself also limits his other abilities, so it's more like a way for him to escape it than to ignore it.

Everything sounds so much less broken when you're tired and bored. I'm sure there's other stuff like that in there, so keep the feedback coming.