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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Design-my-Character challenge! D&D 3.5

    i had a thought today while i was at work.

    ninja/psychic warrior(psion?)/elocater

    i know it has a lower bab, but... cool ninja concept, a psionic ninja! i like it, can it be done well? sudden strike/ghost step + elocater's opportunistic strike is neat- would it work with combat reflexes? great leap and dimension hop is a cool flavor for a ninja, plus if i used psychic warrior instead of psion, i could have psionic lions charge. using expand to become a large or huge ninja would be pretty cool when you ghost step and squash someone heheh

    sounds like i may want to look into this further, any thoughts about this? is it bad? i am doing this game for the flavor of the character as well, not just optimizing.

    also, im not sure about using ToB, its cool stuff, but something i think id want to use only if someone else in the party was. just not sure, otherwise, swordsage would be sweet

    the thing about slayer is i dont think there is much of a reason to have psionic defenses in this world, and its fav enemy is only psionic creatures

    thanks for all the responses so far, and thanks again to those who have bounced around my indecisive threads tomorrow is the deadline though!
    Last edited by SylvanPrincess; 2010-08-18 at 06:47 PM.