I'm really liking all the ideas. Plus the link to that Planescape page was a very interesting read.

I do feel like:
Quote Originally Posted by Harnel View Post
You know, I remember a quote from a guy named calling himself Urnsk. He said:

"The existence of an infinite number of iterations available for accomplishing a given task does not necessitate that any one can possibly succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times, and it is never going to come up waffles."

But in the Far Realm he is WRONG. It will come up waffles eventually.
-may merit further discussion, though.

That sort of thing, I would expect of Limbo, rather than the Far Realm. True, most of my gaming group's vision of the Far Realm seems to be "Limbo but with more tentacles", but I like to think of the Far Realm having perfectly defined laws of physics and causality, just that those laws are completely different from the rest of the multiverse.

So, you might get Waffles by flipping a coin, but that's because on a two-sided coin, the results are always heads, waffles, or Beauregard, and no one from our Multiverse is capable of comprehending just how that third result shows up.

What does everyone else think?