Quote Originally Posted by Psycho View Post
That's one thing that's actually kind of interesting about my Blood Knight fellow. He's actually got fairly goot INT and WIS despite being a Gnoll, which are stereotypically not all that bright. (13 and 15 respectively.) Thing is, the dude's so utterly psychotic that he often willfully ignores the fact that he's well aware that X is a very bad idea, just because he thinks it'll be fun.

Though he is "vaguely" realistic about what he's capable of. Punch your way up a cliff? Sure, no problem. Go Shadow of the Colossus on the mountain-sized Earth Elemental that just swatted the mountainside next to you into nonexistance? Are you kidding? I'll be squashed like a bug!

(Though in honesty it was because he felt that his inevitable death wouldn't be cool enough. Being killed in a battle royale against a dozen men after killing one or two of them looks badass just because it's ballsy. Getting squished offhandedly by a several-hundred foot tall monster just looks embarrassing.)
Does he think it's worth it? In character; would he think it was worth going up against this guy who he thinks could probably kill him? Would it look bad ass enough for him? If yes, then you have your answer; if no, then that's an answer too.