Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
I'm not saying it was unbalanced at the start - but once we lost killer and baner, and once rebels gained a few more roles, our side of the ship begun sinking so fast we were unable to do anything about it.
None of the rebel roles were added after you lost the baner and killer though. R2D2 was given the kill on day 1 before either of those things happened. I'm not arguing there was a slight bias to our team but it was hardly overwhelming.

Villagers don't matter one bit, really, unless seer organizes them. It's very easy to squeeze a kill for rebel team out of them. That's what you did - throw some sort of accusation, and they, being blind, will follow. In normal WW game, where force balance matters, it's unattractive proposition, as wolf for villager is a bad trade. Here? Okay trade, especially if you're closer to 7 than villagers are.
And you think I had any idea who the rebels were? The first contact I had with a rebel was after I counterclaimed and that was only cause Murska was Chewbacca

No. Look at the numbers - we had to kill 7 people. That's basically standard WW wolf wipeout. You? Had to kill 7 people. Let's assume Team Good played well and killed 6 wolves for 6 villagers - the ratio is now 5:1. In WW game, you would need to kill 4 more villagers to win. Here, you need one. It's like having 4 extra wolves when counting end result. And that's with perfect Team Good game. Hence, my +6 (in average game) wolves comment.

Also, rebel killer might have acted with greater impunity, being less likely to kill allies, every action of rebel seer combined more of his team than his opposite did, etc.
In a normal WW game, wolves don't start out blind. In a normal WW game, the villagers don't also have a night killer. In a normal WW game, the wolves are the ones that can be sure of their scries. Care to continue about how this should even be treated as a normal WW game?

First, we hand no chance of doing this. No one ever responded to my PMs besides Calamity (which, incidentally, and ironically, helped me to clear him as last wolf). But, even if people did respond, and we lynched you, in the night, someone dies, in day, we lynch Murska, then Calamity (who now we can't spot so easily, since everyone is active) kills last required person and your team wins. One mistake and we go down even faster. That 3:2 lead in kills was crucial, we were in no position to change it unless we somehow nailed Calamity first instead of Murska, which was very improbable.

Basically, two of you created a good buffer for your killer, letting him act no matter what.
I agree it was a low chance of me getting lynched instead especially after I made a correct guess but if it had been me who got lynched instead of The Cyberwolf, it'd have gone completely differently.
With your seer alive and a barrier sphere, a simple scry would be all it takes for it to be game over especialy since you still had a voider as well to prevent night kills if you used him.

You're kidding.
1 more rebel and it's 10 v 8 and I stand by my pont it'd be virtually even. Better scry, better bane, a void (virtually a second bane chance) and a lynch majority more than makes up for the fact that the killers has a slightly higher chance of hitting a stormtrooper.