Hello playgrounders,

one of my players has requested a new weapon for his level 1 gnome character. I'm not sure if it would be balanced, so I thought you could give me some advice. Is this OK as a regular weapon? Should it be a custom magic item? Questions, questions...

Gnome Squeaky Hammer - one handed melee weapon. The hammer has two different heads: one of normal metal (1d8 bludgeoning). The other end is inflatable and deals nonlethal damage (1d6) and triggers a Lesser Confusion when it hits (Will save DC 11+Cha mod of wielder negates). This deflates the hammerhead. Once an enemy has been confused, it's immune to the squeaky hammer's confusion for 24 hours. The same joke twice is never funny.

Switching heads/hands is a free action. Reinflating the hammerhead is a full-round action. Damage values are for a medium hammer.

I'm also considering letting him trade the gnome racial proficiency for this thing.

Thanking you in advance for your wisdom.