No, really. It almost happened.

And no, I don’t mean the player’s character. I mean the actual player, due to something that occurred in game, had a brush with death.


The group has just defeated a large number of Sahaguin raiders on the open ocean, though they know this is not their normal habitats. They have managed to capture the Sahaguin baron who had been leading the attacks and were interrogating him. After finally getting the information they were looking for, they released him. He glanced over his shoulder as he dove off the boat, bared his teeth, and said “Since you were honest with me, I’ll give you one last piece of information, since it will do you no good. We weren’t the attack. We were the distraction.”

The Event:

DM (me): As the monstrous creature dives off the edge and hits the water, you have a dark sense of unease. Those of you looking over the side of the boat see a dark, massive shape beneath the waves. It isn’t long before one of the sailors on the ship sees the same shape and his reaction bring a chill to your blood…for his reaction is to run screaming towards the captain, crying out the name of the beast every sailor fears – “KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN”.

Player 1: ::chokes on pizza, keels over and hits the floor::

Player 2: ::uses experience as an EMT to quickly solve choking problem::

Player 1: ::gasping for air:: Are you (expletive) kidding me? A (expletive) kraken?!

I feel like I win a DM trophy for this.