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Thread: Schoolyard WW - Game Start

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Schoolyard WW - Game Start

    HypoSoc glares at Fleeing Coward from behind his thin glasses. From his experience, popular kids were the devil incarnate, not some sort of heroic, all-knowing savior. For all he knew, popular kids would snap at the crack of a fingernail, and he didn't want some rich idiot making school any worse.

    Also, why pick on flea. He chose 16 because it's 16, that is not a change is story. There is no reason behind it, so why overanalyze it?
    Also, FC may be the Popular Kid or not, but that isn't necessarily a villager role. Think Mean Girls.
    Last edited by HypoSoc; 2010-08-31 at 12:03 PM.
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