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Thread: To permanently kill a devil (3.5)

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: To permanently kill a devil (3.5)

    Destruction on said 'Called' Outsider should do the job. or use feast of the barghess on its body after you've done it. or disintegrating the remains, equally animating the remains as an undead creature is a quite ammusing way of preventing it from coming back. would dimensional lock prevent them from returning to the 9 hells do we think?

    i think a little more in the way of backstory might help in figuring out infalliable ways of eliminating the devil.

    i think the main difference between daemons and devils in the fiendish codexi are -
    Demons actually die when dead, with one of a table of random effects, most of which are messy. but the abyss spawns infinite ammounts of daemons, so it doesnt matter much.

    Devils dont die when dead, they get reverted to turd forms and get mocked by their peers/former underlings, this is mostly to ballance them in the blood war with the daemons, otherwise they'd simply be over-run.

    kind of annoying, but if you keep calling him and stabbing him,eventually he becomes a mindless Mane. or gets fed up.

    "Limited Wish to duplicate Reincarnate... " - funtimes :D
    Last edited by Malbordeus; 2010-09-03 at 07:48 AM.