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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Little Red Raiding Hood: A Warblade Variant [PEACH]

    D&D multiplication means that two X2 enhancements actually gets you a X3, not a X4.

    Also, the problem with your build is that very little of your damage actually comes from this class. A whopping four of it before modifiers comes purely from benefits this class gives over the warblade, which can easily be beaten by int mod bonuses (maybe not guaranteed at level 10, but by level 20 it's very easy to get more than a +4 to any given stat). The extra speed is nice, but there are spells and items for that anyway.

    I mean, I can use a TWF build that uses shadow blades to get a *tiny* bit more damage over shortswords, but that isn't why I'm dealing hundreds of damage per round.
    Last edited by Milskidasith; 2010-09-04 at 11:43 PM.