Disclaimer: I am a heavy proponent of refluffing for any reason, but that's not the point of today's thought experiment, so try to keep the refluffing to a minimum.

So, for today's thought experiment... how would you go about creating a fire-focused caster who is not primarily a blaster? The easy way, of course, is just to refluff whatever spells you cast as being especially fiery, with or without the stupid Spell Thematics feat (ranging from the easy "the flames of my faith fill my allies with power! Everyone bursts into the holy fire of Righteous Wrath of the Faithful!" to the slightly less simple "seeing that the situation is not going my way, I step into a pillar of flame and appear elsewhere! Dimension Door!"), but we're not interested in taking the easy way out. Not today, at least.

So, how would you do it? What fiery options exist that do more than simply reduce your foes to cinders in a cloud of d6s? There are a few options (Fire Shield isn't especially blasty, and Wall of Fire, despite not being especially good battlefield control, is BfC nonetheless), but in D&D, fire mostly means DAMAGEDAMAGEDAMAGEDAMAGE.

Again, there's enough to make a one-trick pony (I wouldn't call an Entangling Breath-using DFA especially blasty, after all), but what else can we come up with?

What makes a spell fiery, of course, is up to interpretation. It doesn't have to do necessarily have the [Fire] descriptor, or do fire damage, necessarily... but you know it when you see it. Work with me, here.