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Thread: Equipment for a Knife Fighter (3.5)

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Joliet, IL

    Default Re: Equipment for a Knife Fighter (3.5)

    If you want to be a knife fighting warrior with sneak attack, I highly recommend a Swashbuckler/Fighter to Invisible Blade/Master thrower combo.

    Ala this character:

    Derrian Lafaux

    You want to start with Swashbuckler for the skill points, then use fighter to get the necessary feats to quickly reach Invisible Blade, You can easily meet the prereqs for Master Thower as you gain your 5 levels of Invisible Blade. I believe the sheet there has a custom weapon which is a dagger version of Gloves of Endless Javelins +1 but Gauntlet of Infinite Blades is better anyway I just was unaware of it at the time I made the character.

    I honestly think that TWF isn't really worth the feat investment on a knife fighter/thower. You'll get plenty of daggers off anyway.
    Last edited by Shyftir; 2010-09-08 at 09:34 PM.