Quote Originally Posted by Introbulus View Post
D: But...but...;w; But what will all the Ice Pick Laboratory Factory Workers do to feed their families? D: You're putting tens, nay, zeros of families out of a home!

Have we no prisons? No workhouses? If they're going to die they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population!

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Maybe it's the fact that we've realised we're not alone and there really is an equine conspiracy making us more verbal than normal.
So long as we don't get too carried away. Mustn't let them know we're onto them...

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Oooh! That sounds interesting. Would you recommend any in particular or do you really have to start at the beginning and read onwards?
Because this sounds ever-so-vaguely like the Watch arc in the Discworld. Vaguely, but similar enough to engender a strong belief that I'd like this series.
Or alternatively like Discworld Noir, the third game which I haven't played, in which you are an Ankh-Morpork PI.