Sherem-Lar/Sherezem-Lar Sorcery are in Ghostwalk. Azurin and Midnight Metamagic are in Magic of Incarnum. Silverbrow Human and Draconic Aura are in Dragon Magic. D'hin'ni and celadrin are in Dragon #351. Changeling is in ECS, and Cabinet Trickster is in Races of Eberron.

They are fairly non-cheesy, as far as broken-nicity goes. What they are, however, is interesting and still largely effective. D'hin'ni and celadrin are at the looooow end of that scale, though, as they're level-adjusted outsider races (which people generally use for martial weapon proficiency for gish builds, which is why I specifically called them out for a gish-like).

If it were me, I would go silverbrow human with Sherem/Sherezem-Lar Sorcery and Draconic Aura/Double Aura. But I like playing buffer/debuffers.