Quote Originally Posted by Pyrian View Post
Is it possible to make lobster bacon?
I've seen them wrap scallops in bacon, and put bacon inside of beef with pickles and onions. And I saw a pelican at Frisco Bay. He tried to eat my cell phone. He ran away.

ION: My dad can be a bit of a jerk.

Okay, so we were moving beds from one room to another today (the bed I slept in broke, and I'm only allowed to take up the one room, so he'd rather have us switch the two beds from room to room than just have me move into the other room), and we're taking apart the beds to put into the next room. It wasn't so bad at first, though he did call me "as clumsy as an elephant" at one point.

Then he started talking about my sister's things. See, she sleeps in the room that we're moving the bed from on occasion, and also uses it as a sort of "storage space" for some of her things, haphazardly stacked into corners. He hates it. He doesn't say it aloud to anyone but me, and he really really hates it. He's threatened more than once to throw it all out and burn it in a fire. He would never actually DO that, but the hate is still there.

While he was throwing things into a pile to get them out of the way, he told me to grab a stack of..."junk" so he could stuff it on top of the pile.

The little corner of stuff he asked me to pick up was all of the stuff I had in that room.

...Maybe I'm just oversensitive to this sort of thing, but when he gets that way, it makes me feel like he'd be better off if I just up and left this place. He could get rid of everything of mine taking up his space, do whatever he wants with it, and never have to worry about feeding me or keeping shelter for me or anything else ever again.

I know he doesn't really feel that way...but it really is how I feel every time he says something like that.

...So anyway, I really wanted to tell someone that, and I guess GitP is as good a place as any. I trust you guys...maybe a little more than is wise, but I really feel like I can tell you guys about something like this.

...Thanks for listening.