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Thread: How would you Stat Yourself?

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    imp_fireball's Avatar

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    Default Re: How would you Stat Yourself?

    Str-15 I spend a lot of time in the gym, 4 times a week. But i'm kinda short so i cant get that strong. But i can lift 140 above my head and bench 150+.
    150+ is average, no offense. If you can bench at least 200 that's probably 11-13.

    Me, I bench roughly 200+ (I haven't touched upon 300), but I'm probably afraid to lift 100 or higher over my head. :P

    And yes being short (or a midget) is a disadvantage. :P D&D is unforgiving.

    I'm no smart cookie, but i'm in IB courses and have skipped one grade.
    I'd say that anyone with average Int or higher can get straight As if they study like mad (as any 'ideal student' would really).

    I've got a high Int, but my grades are fairly average since I've had a reputation of being very lazy. In fact, I don't think I've ever put much effort into schooling and I'm 21. I think I've kinda free loaded on my IQ. >_>

    I'm ofter narrow minded, stubborn. I don't think i qualify in the slightest as wise or perceptive.
    Anyone who has devoted a lot of their maturation stages towards self reflection probably has roughly average wisdom. Self reflection is a prerequisite to any amount of wisdom, so those who have never self reflected probably have like 4 wisdom at most (and those who only give it a little thought and then ignorantly reassure themselves may be the same way; or up to 6 Wis at most). :P

    Con- 12 or 13 I think i got sick like once this year. I injure myself a lot, but it heals decently fast. And although i don't run fast, i jog for 1.5 miles easily.
    That's probably average, I'd say. Humans were made for physical activity really. That's why we can gain weight quickly in our very soft and forgiving society.

    I run pretty fast, but i have a terrible sense of balance and flexibility.
    Explosiveness when running can just as easily be reflected by strength though. Also, anyone can learn to become flexible but I might take them longer to get coordinated or whatever.

    I think of dexterity as the 'physical intelligence' that the best athletes tend to demonstrate - also bodily and spacial awareness (somewhat related to co-ordination).

    If you have a lot of control over your own mind (wisdom), you can get this way through meditation and incorporation the ability to think ahead into regular physical activity.

    Or just a Fighter if i was a D&D character, or i'd want to be. I'd probably end up as a commoner.
    Yah, a fighter would be a major weapon enthusiast in the modern world. They'd know how to take apart many guns and put them back together. The smart ones would dive into military science and put studied tactical knowledge to use.
    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2010-09-11 at 02:40 AM.