Using 32 point buy, and 3 levels, I'll try.

Wizard 3

Dex: 16
Int: 18
Wis: 9
Cha: 8

I'm actually dedicated and studious, when I need to be, so I fit wizard. My best stat is definitely intelligence, since I've always done well in academia. I also consider myself dexterous, since I play drums, can do multiple things at once, etc. Con... I dunno, hard to measure. Strength, to be honest, would likely be lower, but I'm not wasting any points. Whenever I look for stuff, I miss the most obvious things. But... I do see things out of the corner of my eyes quite well. But then I often don't hear things. So yeah, negative wisdom. And I simply don't make friends well. Or do well at parties. Or social situations. ;_;

Too lazy for feats and stuff.