Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
[ICB - Project Headquarters]

"You certainly may."

Outside the building, a cyborg and a non-cyborg are sneaking through the rain and vegetation towards the entrance. All that anyone is likely to notice at this distance is the faint red light of Kai's mechanical eye.


Inside a building filled with crystalline technology and painted with such a modernistic decor, the old sea dog in a leather coat feels...somewhat out of place, and in awe at the sheer magnitude of the place around him.

He looks towards Val, as if trying to find something more reassuring, and blinks a few times, before whispering to her.

These...Crystals...what are they for? Are they made of magic?

And yes, before you ask, Magicite is basically made of pure magic, hence him thinking that the crystals are made literally out of nothing but magic.