So off and on for about a day now, I've had the most bizarre pains. If I breathe wrong, there is a (sharp and warm, but not wet) pulling sensation on my upper chest, right below where my right shoulder and collarbone meet.

It's painful for a few seconds, but then settles down into a slightly warm sensation in the aforementioned area.

I have no idea why the pain is doing what it is doing. I haven't exerted myself very much; I don't usually exert myself at all!

I do occasionally walk/run on my treadmill, but I haven't for about a week (or so), so it's probably not a muscle pulled.

It's only on the right side, so it's not likely to be something with the heart. I haven't ever had heart problems anyway.

It's merely annoying and only somewhat painful right now, so I'm not too worried. Merely curious if any of you could shed the light on these odd pains.