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    Default Re: Base Class Challenge - Can I Borrow That?

    Essentia Thief


    ”Those poor souls who have been stolen and taken in by his keen blade, take heart. You are dead and gone, beyond even the blackest dawn, and the darkest night. You are gone, and will not return. We will mourn for you.” Jashon Kithros, to the Darkest One, stealer of souls’s victims.

    The Essentia Thief steals souls and essentia, using them to power his abilities. He either takes it from those he views have wronged the world, the abominations that deserve to die, or he steals the souls of those who are relatively innocent. There is rarely any room for a more lenient position, although it is not exactly uncommon for the Essentia Thief to just not really care either way, however most follow those two standards of action, if not belief.

    Adventures: Similarly to almost all classes, the Essentia Thief usually adventures for either personal power, or in order to settle a grudge. Again, Essentia Thieves share a pretty broad spectrum, but they still tend towards those two. Essentia Thieves also tend to be more anti-social in large groups, with so much soul energy surrounding them, and tend to be better one on one. The Essentia Thief rarely adventures purely for personal gain, able to gain that simply from using their abilities.

    Characteristics: Essentia Thieves are usually anti-social and silent, needing no talk to understand a person’s soul. They also tend to not care about what others think of them.

    Alignment: Essentia Thieves can be both good and evil, lawful and chaotic, although most tend slightly towards being chaotic than lawful, Essentia thieves of all alignments can be found.

    Religion: Essentia Thieves tend to be rather secular. It is not unknown for an Essentia Thief to worship a god, but with their relationship to souls, it tends to be a rather one sided relationship.

    Background: Essentia Thieves come from a wide array of backgrounds. Although almost no places are actually devoted to the formal training of Essentia Thieves, it is not unknown for a lesser master of the Incarnum arts to train a rogue or thief, and have them combine their powers, resulting in a greater ability.

    Races: Essentia Thieves do not tend to be any race.

    Other Classes: Essentia Thieves tend to be closer to those with less soul, and therefore less charisma. They almost shut down when dealing with bards or marshals, but can deal with warriors far better. They also have similar problems with Incarnum users, who have an overabundance of soul, as well has having thousands of pieces of souls flowing through their bodies at any time, meaning they have a sort of interrupting radiative frequency of souls, which greatly disquiets even the most sound of Essentia Thieves.

    Role: Essentia Thieves can fill a very diverse number of roles, depending on the abilities of the other members of the party. If the group has an Incarnum user, the Essentia Thief can “borrow” some Essentia, and gain greater flexibility with his soulmelds, and deal more damage with his Claws of the Soulthief ability. If they do not, he still can function as a groups stealth character, and as their skill monkey, as well as being able to deal a fair amount of damage.

    Abilities: Constitution is important for the Essentia Thief’s soulmelding abilities, and Dexterity is important for combat abilities. Intelligence is important for their skills, which are a big part of the class.
    Alignment: Any
    Hit Die: d6

    Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex) Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).
    Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Intelligence Modifier)x4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence Modifier

    Essentia Thief
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Soulmelds|Total Essentia|Chakra Binds

    |Sneak Attack +1d6, Soul-Sight|1|1|0

    |Steal Essentia|1|2|0


    |Claws of the Soulthief|2|3|0

    | Sneak Attack +2d6|2|3|0


    |Disable the Chakra Points (Soulmeld)|3|4|1

    | Claws of the Soulthief (+1 capacity)|3|5|1

    |Aura of the Soulstealer 1/day|3|6|1

    | Sneak Attack +3d6|4|7|1

    |Soul-Sight (Invisible)|4|8|1

    | Claws of the Soulthief (Snuff Out)|4|9|1


    |Aura of the Soulstealer 2/day|5|11|2

    | Sneak Attack +4d6|5|12|2

    | Claws of the Soulthief (+2 capacity)|6|13|2

    |Disable the Chakra Points (Chakra Bind)|6|15|2

    |Soul-Sight (True Seeing)|6|17|2

    |Aura of the Soulstealer 3/day|7|19|2

    | Claws of the Soulthief (Extinguish), Sneak Attack +5d6|7|21|2[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: The Essentia Thief is proficient with all simple weapons, and all light martial weapons, as well as light armor. He is not proficient with any shields.

    Meldshaping: The Essentia Thief’s primary ability is shaping incarnum soulmelds, which are drawn from the Essentia Thief soulmeld list. He knows and can shape any soulmeld from that list.

    The difficulty class for any saving throw against an Essentia Thief soulmeld is 10 + number of points of Essentia invested in the soulmeld + the Essentia Thief’s Intelligence modifier, unless noted in the description as otherwise. His meldshaper level is equal to his Essentia Thief level. The Essentia Thief follows the same table as Incarnates, Soulborn, and Totemists, as shown here:

    {table=head]Character Level|Essentia Capacity




    The Essentia Thief can only shape a certain number of soulmelds per day. His base daily allotment is given on the class table above. The maximum number of soulmelds that he can have shaped simultaneously is equal to his Constitution score minus to, or the number of soulmelds on the table, whichever is lower.

    At first level, he also gains access to a pool of Essentia, which can be invested into the soulmelds to increase their power. The number on the table represents the total amount of Essentia that the Essentia Thief is capable of holding at a time. Outside of combat, the Essentia Thief has a number of Essentia equal to the total amount possible, however, as soon as he enters combat, he loses all of his Essentia except for a number equal to his Intelligence modifier. He gains more Essentia through special processes, as noted below, in the Steal Essentia and Soul Steal ability sections.

    Chakra Binds: Beginning at seventh level, the Essentia Thief can bind soulmelds to his Chakras granting him new powers based on the soulmeld and chakra chosen. Binding a soulmeld to a chakra closes the body slot associated with that chakra, so that the Essentia Thief cannot also benefit from a magic item worn on the body slot associated with that chakra. The Essentia Thief's Chakra progression is the same as that of an Incarnate of his Essentia Thief level.

    Sneak Attack (Ex): If a Essentia Thief can catch an opponent when they are unable to defend themselves effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The Essentia Thief’s attack deals extra damage any time his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the Essentia Thief flanks his target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 at level 5, and every five levels thereafter. Should the Essentia Thief score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

    Soul-Sight (Su): The Essentia Thief is instinctively able to see the soul of those around him. He automatically knows the Charisma score and Hit Dice of any opponent whom he can see and is within 60 feet of him, who is not mindless. He automatically senses whether an opponent is able to wield Essentia, but because of the strange frequencies that they provide, cannot determine their Charisma or Hit Dice unless he makes a Spot check equal to their Hit Dice. This ability may be invested in, as if it were a soulmeld, and gains a competency bonus to all spot checks equal to twice the Essentia invested into the ability. At level 11, the Essentia Thief gains See Invisibility, as the spell, against all non-mindless beings, as a constant effect. At level 18, he gains True Seeing, as the spell, as a constant effect.

    Steal Essentia (Su): Starting at second level, Whenever the Essentia Thief makes a ranged or melee attack against a target, and the attack is a sneak attack, he may choose to forgo 1d6 sneak attack damage on the attack, and instead steal some of the opponent’s Essentia. This only functions against enemies who have an Essentia pool larger than 1. The Essentia Thief steals a number of essential equal to his intelligence bonus, or 5, whichever is lower. The Essentia do not regenerate or return to the meldshaper until the encounter ends, a restoration spell is cast upon them, or the Essentia Thief chooses to let the Essentia fade away. The opponent takes a -1 penalty to all checks, rolls and saves equal to the number of Essentia stolen until the end of the encounter.

    Soul Steal (Su): Starting at third level, whenever the Essentia Thief makes a ranged or melee attack against a target, and the attack is a sneak attack, he may choose to forgo any number of sneak attack dice against that target. He gains that many points of Essentia that are added to his Essentia pool. They fade away at the end of the encounter. The Essentia Thief may never gain more Essentia points than the total number possible in his pool

    Claws of the Soulthief (Ex): Starting at fourth level, the Essentia Thief gains claws made of pure Essentia. They sparkle and shine a dark blue, and extend out from the Essentia Thief’s hands by about a foot. They deal 1d6 slashing damage, plus the Essentia Thief’s Strength modifier. When the Essentia Thief invests Essentia in the claws, they gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to twice the amount invested. When the Essentia Thief reaches level eight, he may invest one more Essentia into his claws than is normally allowed by soulmelds, which increases to two more than normally allowed at level sixteen. At level twelve, the Essentia Thief may deal Constitution damage on one melee attack made with the claws, as a standard action, equal to the number of Essentia invested in the Claws. At level twenty, the Essentia Thief may rend at the target’s soul, allowing him to make a single melee attack with the claws, as a standard action, and the target must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + Essentia Thief levels + Intelligence modifier) or die. This is a supernatural ability.

    Trapfinding (Ex): Starting at sixth level the Essentia Thief can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Essentia Thieves can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. An Essentia Thief who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with his party) without disarming it.

    Disable the Chakra Points (Su): Starting at seventh level, whenever the Essentia Thief makes a sneak attack, he may sacrifice 2d6 damage, and shut down an opponent’s soulmelds. He may choose one soulmeld the target has active. That soulmeld is no longer shaped for the duration of the encounter, and the meldshaper gains no benefit from it. At level seventeen, the Essentia Thief may use this ability to disable Chakra Binds, causing them to be unbound for the rest of the encounter, and giving the meldshaper no benefit. He may not use both at the same time, unless he reduces his sneak attack damage by 4d6.

    Aura of the Soulstealer (Su): Starting at ninth level, the Essentia Thief may activate an aura of soulstealing as a standard action, once per day. For a number of rounds equal to the Essentia Thief’s Intelligence modifier, all meldshapers within 20 feet lose one Essentia point per round that the aura is activated, and those points do not recover until the end of the encounter and the meldshaper takes a -1 penalty per point of Essentia stolen, and the Essentia Thief gains all of those points stolen as bonus Essentia. Non-meldshapers take a number of negative energy damage per round equal to one half the Essentia Thief’s Essentia Thief levels. For every 10 damage dealt this way (total, over all of the rounds), the Essentia Thief gains 1 Essentia point. The Essentia Thief may not receive more Essentia points than their total number of Essentia given in the class table above.

    Soulbind: Starting at thirteenth level, whenever the Essentia Thief uses his Soul Steal or Steal Essentia abilities against a single target, to steal Essentia equal to the target’s Hit Dice, and then the target is killed, the Essentia Thief may take on the physical aspects of the target for a time. He must burn (lose for the entirety of the encounter) Essentia equal to the Hit Dice of the creature, and takes on the aspects of that creature for a number of minutes equal to the Essentia burned, or until the end of the encounter, whichever comes first. He gains their type, size, and image, based on the level of the Essentia Thief. A True Seeing sees through the image, but the others still work.

    For Sizes








    Amulet of Incarnum Shielding
    Amulet of Incarnum Shielding
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Throat
    Saving Throw None.

    A blue glow starts around you. All of the souls in the air seem to become silent, as the light focuses itself into one, bright blue jewel, that winks and glitters in the light. It lays itself on your throat, staying suspended as if magically.

    Drawing upon the essence of other incarnum users who have died, the meldshaper is able to protect himself from attack of other meldshapers.

    You shape incarnum into a necklace that you wear about your neck. Whenever someone tries to steal or take your Essentia points, you may reduce the amount they take by one point.
    Also, your soulmelds cannot be unbound forcibly.
    Essentia reduce the Essentia taken by 1 for every point of Essentia invested.

    Chakra Bind (Throat)
    A flow of Incarnum flows into the gem, causing it to glow red for a few moments, and then the Gem shines brightly, and glitters even more than before.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your throat slot, you cannot have your Chakra Binds unbound forcibly.

    Descriptors Good
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Crown
    Saving Throw None.

    A silver helm alights itself upon your head. Its plume is a bright yellow, and it has wings that come off each side of it.

    Drawing upon the essence of paladins and fallen clerics of good gods, the meldshaper is able to take on their aspects.

    You gain turn undead as if you were a cleric of your meldshaper levels, minus four. You gain uses equal to your intelligence modifier. You may not use this Turn Undead in order to fulfill the prerequisites for a prestige class or feat.
    Essentia You gain an additional use for every two points of Essentia invested into this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Crown)
    A pure light shines out of the plume, reaching down until the wings start flapping. They grow huge and powerful, white like the wings of a swan.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your Chakra, you gain a fly speed equal to five feet times the amount of Essentia invested in the soulmeld, with a maneuverability of poor.

    Armbands of Might
    Armbands of Might
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Arms
    Saving Throw None.

    Two simple, non-descript armbands settle themselves on your hands, clasping tight. They hum with energy, and seem to want to do something, even when you are calm.

    The strength of warriors long past flows into your veins, with the incarnum enhancing it, allowing you to lift almost any object.

    You gain a +4 bonus to all strength checks. In addition, your carrying capacity counts as if you had a strength score of +10 to what your strength normally is.
    Essentia You gain an additional +1 for each point of Essentia you invest in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Arms)
    The armbands swell and expand, floating 2 inches off of your arms. You muscles then expand to fit the new size, and you feel incredible power flowing through you.

    While this soulmeld is bound to a Chakra, you gain the benefit of the Throw Anything feat, and the range of the weapons thrown is equal to ten feet times the number of essential invested in this soulmeld.

    Bearskin Armor
    Bearskin Armor
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Soul
    Saving Throw None.

    Bear skins and furs grow around your body, and stitch themselves together in order to form a sort of armor made from them. It feels hard as iron, and very, very angry.

    The spirits of druids and bear warriors flows through you, allowing you to gain a bite attack, and hardened hide.

    You gain a +2 bonus to natural armor.
    Essentia The bonus to natural armor increases by +1 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Soul)
    The furs rearrange themselves, and your face and head turn into that of a bear.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your Chakra, you gain a bite attack that deals 1d8 damage plus your strength modifier. Whenever you successfully hit with the bite attack, you may start a grapple attempt as a swift action, with a bonus to the strength check equal to the amount of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Belt of Battle
    Belt of Battle
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Waist
    Saving Throw None.

    This leather belt bears a platinum buckle set with three small black pearls.

    By channeling the spirits of fallen warriors, you gain greater ability in battle.

    You gain a +10 bonus to your base land speed.
    Essentia You gain an additional +5 bonus to land speed per point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Waist)
    The three small pearls turn a bright, pure white. They shimmer and reflect.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your Chakra, you may gain a standard action. You do not gain the use of your standard action for your next turn.

    Blade of Deception
    Blade of Deception
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Hands
    Saving Throw

    A small hilt appears in your hands. It is steel, and engraved with a pattern of two duelists. The blade is strangely missing.

    By channeling the spirits of tricksters, liars and duelists, you gain greater ability to lie and feint.

    You may feint as a swift action.
    You also gain a +3 bonus to all Bluff checks.
    Essentia You gain an additional +1 bonus for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Hands)
    The blade of the hilt springs out of the hilt, a pure silvery substance, almost like quicksilver.

    While you have this soulmeld bound to your Chakra, you may use the sword as a melee weapon. It deals 2d4 damage, plus your strength modifier, and counts as a masterwork weapon. It has an enhancement bonus equal to the amount of Essentia invested in the soulmeld. In addition, any time you successfully use the feint action on an opponent, they cannot make attacks of opportunity against you for 1 round. Other opponents function normally.

    Blindfold of True Darkness
    Blindfold of True Darkness
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Brow
    Saving Throw None

    A blindfold appears, covering your eyes, and reaching around to the back of your head. It seems to radiate off a slight shadow, partially obscuring the rest of your face. The blindfold itself is light and seems to weigh nothing, but after putting it on, you feel weighed down.

    by channeling the spirits of those who lived and died in the shadows, and by channeling the spirits of psychics, you are able to see past what hides in the darkness.

    You gain a +3 bonus to all Spot checks.
    Essentia You gain an additional +1 bonus to spot checks per Essentia invested in the feat.

    Chakra Bind (Brow)
    The blindfold turns even, darker, even blacker, if that were possible, and constellations appear on the blindfold.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your Chakra, you gain Darkvision out to ten feet times the amount of Essentia invested into this soulmeld.

    Boots of the Battle Charger
    Boots of the Battle Charger
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Feet
    Saving Throw None

    Boots with three copper bands around the calf appear around your feet. They seem to hum with repressed energy.

    You channel the spirits of the dread berserkers, taking on their battle ability.

    You deal an extra +2d6 damage on all charge attacks.
    Essentia The damage dealt increases by +1d6 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Feet)
    The straps expand, and then clamp down. The boot’s color changes to a blood red, and spikes grow out of the soles.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your Chakra, you gain the pounce ability.

    Bracers of Quick Strike
    Bracers of Quick Strike
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Arms
    Saving Throw

    A small bracer appears around each of your arms. They are mithral, and each bears a small dagger motif.

    By channeling the spirits of those who traveled in time, and suffered from a temporal death, as well as those who were incredibly quick, you become just as fast.

    You gain a +2 bonus to initiative rolls.
    Essentia The bonus to initiative rolls increases by +1 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Arms)
    the daggers flip upside down, and the bracers appear to take on a goldish hue.

    When this soulmeld is bound to a Chakra, you gain an extra attack at your highest attack bonus for every two points of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Cannith Goggles
    Cannith Goggles
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Brow
    Saving Throw None

    A pair of lenses appears in front of your face. These light orange, round, translucent lenses are mounted within a flexible metal frame that has a soft leather strap with a clasp at the back.

    By channeling the souls of powerful artificers and craftsmen, you gain their incredible powers of detection and artifice ability.

    You gain a +3 bonus to all Search and Disable Device checks. You can disable traps that are above DC 20 as if you were a rogue.
    Essentia The bonus to Search checks increases by +1 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Brow)
    The lenses grows to two inches in diameter, and small numbers constantly flit across them.

    You may cause constructs and objects to heal a number of hit points equal to 2d6 per point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld. You must wait a number of rounds before using this ability again, equal to 6- the number of Essentia invested in this soulmeld. A creature may only be so affected by this ability once per encounter.

    Cape of the Viper
    Cape of the Viper
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Shoulders
    Saving Throw See text;

    A soft green cape falls around your shoulders. It is inlaid with a strange sort of metal, and has snake motifs wriggling up the cape.

    you channel the souls of dead druids and viper lords, gaining their power of venom and snakes.

    You gain a bite attack, which deals 1d8 damage, plus your strength modifier, plus two.
    Essentia The increase in damage increases by +2 for every two points of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
    The cloak twists and wraps itself, creature a long, snakelike appendage, unfortunately unable to finite or complex movement, and the hood wraps itself around your face, and then opens up to form a gaping maw.

    You bite attack now also forces the target to make a fortitude save or take a 1d4 Constitution damage per 2 points of Essentia invested in this soulmeld. After using this ability, you must wait 1d4+1 rounds before using it again.

    Choker of Invisibility
    Choker of Invisibility
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Throat
    Saving ThrowNone

    A tiny choker appears around your neck. It is nondescript and small, with a tiny glowing emerald.

    You channel the souls of powerful illusionists, gaining partial invisibility, and a miss chance.

    You gain a miss chance of 10%.
    Essentia The miss chance increases by 5% per point of Essentia that you invest in this soulmeld. This effect is ignored by the True Seeing spell.

    Chakra Bind (Throat)
    The jewel glows a pure green light, and then turns white.

    You may become invisible, as the Greater Invisibility spell, for a number of rounds equal to the number of Essentia invested in this soulmeld, as a full round action. After using this ability, you must wait 2d4 rounds before using it again.

    Cloak of Quills
    Cloak of Quills
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Shoulders
    Saving Throw None

    A large cloak falls about your shoulders, browned with age. It has quills and spikes running all of the way down the back of the cloak, and on the hood.

    Those druids who wielded the power of porcupines and hedgehogs’ power flows through you, allowing you to take on the aspects of those creatures.

    Any creature that successfully hits you with a melee or touch attack takes 2 damage.
    Essentia The damage dealt by this ability increases by 2 damage per Essentia point invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
    The quills grow to several feet long, and become incredibly sharp.

    You may shoot a quill from the cloak as a ranged attack, as a standard action. The quill deals 1d10 damage, plus your strength modifier.

    Deathstrike Bracers
    Deathstrike Bracers
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Arms
    Saving Throw See text;

    Iron bracers that run all of the way up to your elbow appear, with a tiny crossing swords motif on each. They seem sturdy and unbreakable.

    Undead hunters, construct killers, and plant fighters’ souls empower you and give you powers against the abominations.

    You deal sneak attack damage against Elementals, Constructs, Plants and Undead as if they were not immune to critical hits. You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls against those targets.
    Essentia The attack bonus gained from this soulmeld increases by 1 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Arms)
    The swords uncross, detach from, and rotate around the gauntlet.

    Any time you make three or more sneak attacks in a round against a single opponent who would normally be immune to Sneak Attack, that opponent must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + Essentia invested + your Intelligence modifier), or be destroyed. After using this ability, you must wait 1d4+2 rounds before using it again.

    Earthplate Armor
    Earthplate Armor
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Soul
    Saving Throw None

    A plate of dirty armor appears on you. At first glance, this suit of full plate looks filthy and ill kept. On closer examination, you can see it is expertly crafted, and what appears to be dirt is actually the color of the metal itself. A black crystal shard is set horizontally into the front of the armor across the abdomen. Runes in the Gnome language mark its greaves and gauntlets, and the aroma of fresh earth seems to emanate from the suit.

    The power of the dwarves and druids empowers you, filling your veins with the power of earth.

    You gain damage reduction 2/Adamantine.
    Essentia For each Essentia invested in the soulmeld, the Damage Reduction increases by 1. With 1 Essentia invested, the damage reduction becomes /Adamantine or Magic, with 2 invested it becomes /Piercing and Adamantine or Magic, and with four Essentia invested, it becomes /--.

    Chakra Bind (Soul)
    The armor literally becomes as if it were mud, and rust coats it. The black jewel turns green.

    You gain burrow speed equal to five times the amount of Essentia invested into this soulmeld.

    Echoing Footsteps
    Echoing Footsteps
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Feet
    Saving Throw None

    Small sandals appear on your feet. They are a dark blue, embroidered with silver stars, and seem to echo silently wherever you walk.

    By channeling the souls of powerful teleporters and translocators, as well as thieves, you gain their abilities.

    You gain a +3 bonus to all Move Silently checks.
    Essentia The bonus to Move Silently checks increases by +1 for each Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Feet)
    The sandals raise up a small cloud of black sand or dust, which almost looks as if it were a shadow, rising off of the ground.

    You may, as a move action, teleport a number of feet equal to 10 times the Essentia invested in this soulmeld. You may not use this ability more than once every two rounds.

    Descriptors Evil
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Crown
    Saving Throw None

    A large helm appears on your head, with the visage of a fiend of the nine-hells. It is cracked and charred, the helm itself being a dark, dark black. At the mouth, eye and nose openings, an orange light filters through, as if lit by fire. The top of the helm extends into horns, like those of a ram, black as the helm.

    By channeling the souls and power of dead blackguards and evil clerics, you can take on their powers.

    You gain rebuke undead as if you were a cleric of your meldshaper levels, minus four. You gain uses equal to your intelligence modifier. You may not use this Rebuke Undead in order to fulfill the prerequisites for a prestige class or feat.
    Essentia You gain an additional use for every two points of Essentia invested into this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Crown)
    The light that comes from the mouth, nose and eye openings glows incredibly bright, and the horns elongate and grow deadly sharp.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your Chakra, you gain a gore attack, which deals 2d6 damage, plus your strength modifier. This attack may only be used on the end of a charge, and it gains a bonus to all attack and damage rolls equal to twice the Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Foxhide Armor
    Foxhide Armor
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Heart
    Saving Throw None

    Fox furs grow up, and appear around you. They are a soft orange, and seem comfortable.

    Fox hunters and the souls of druids fill you with power, allowing you to become like a fox.

    You gain a +3 bonus to survival checks in order to track someone, and you gain the benefits of the track feat. You may not use the feat in order to qualify for other feats or classes.
    Essentia The bonus to survival increases by +1 for every point of Essentia invested in this feat.

    Chakra Bind (Heart)
    The furs shift and slide around your body, until you take on the visage of an actual fox. Your mouth opens and sharp teeth line your jaws.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your chakra, you gain the scent special ability, and a bite attack. The bite attack deals 1d6 damage plus your strength modifier. You gain a bonus to any damage rolls made with your bite attack equal to the amount of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Guerilla Spear
    Guerilla Spear
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Hands
    Saving Throw None

    A wide and long spear appears in your hands. It appears to be excellently made, but the spearhead is missing.

    The power and spirit of dead guerilla fighters flows through you, giving you’re their powers of stealth and ambush.

    You gain a +3 bonus to all hide checks made to tail or follow someone, or in order to make an ambush.
    Essentia This bonus increases by +1 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Hands)
    The spearhead flows out of the end of the spear, forming an incredibly sharp point.

    While you have this soulmeld bound to your Chakra, you may use the spear as both a melee and ranged weapon. It has a range of 30 feet, and if thrown, It reappears in your hand just after it hits. It deals 1d12 damage, plus your strength modifier, and counts as a masterwork weapon. It has an enhancement bonus equal to the amount of Essentia invested in the soulmeld. In addition, whenever an opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus to armor class, this weapon deals an additional 1d4 damage per Essentia invested in it.

    Gwaeron’s Belt
    Gwaeron’s Belt
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Waist
    Saving Throw None

    A belt appears around your waist. This belt of tightly woven, white human hair has several blue and orange crystals braided evenly through it.

    Gwaeron himself was a powerful tracker and master of the wilderness. His legacy lives on in those who hunt and track, and their souls flow through you.

    Your weapon may burst into flame, if you choose to do so, by using a swift action in order to do so. It does not harm you, even if it is lighting up a natural weapon. This fire deals an extra 1d4 fire damage.
    Essentia The damage increases by 1d4 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Waist)
    A powerful wind flows through the belt, allowing a few strands to get loose, and float around, the jewels glimmering.

    While this soulmeld is bound to your chakra, you may walk on air, as the Wind Walk spell for a number of rounds equal to the amount of Essentia invested in this soulmeld, but must land on the ground at the end of the air walk.

    Hat of Anonymity
    Hat of Anonymity
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Crown
    Saving Throw

    A rather nondescript hat appears on your head. This plain black hat has a broad brim and a wide black silk band.

    The spymaster and all manner of nondescript people have lived. You channel their anonymity.

    You gain a +3 bonus to all Hide and Disguise checks.
    Essentia This bonus increases by 1 for every point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Crown)
    the hat grows even broader and wider, and the brim almost constantly sags over your face.

    As long as you have this soulmeld bound to your Chakra, you gain the effects of a permanent nondetection spell. The caster level check DC is equal to (10 + ½ your Hit Dice + the amount of Essentia invested in this soulmeld + your intelligence modifier).

    Tigerskin Armor
    Tigerskin Armor
    Descriptors None
    Classes Essentia Thief
    Chakra Heart
    Saving Throw

    A shirt of chain appears on you. Striped fur, smelling thickly of some great beast, covers it.

    The souls of powerful Tiger hunters and druids flows through your veins, filling you with power.

    You gain pounce, and deal an extra 1d4 damage on any attack made on the end of a charge.
    Essentia The extra damage increases by 1d4 per point of Essentia invested in this soulmeld.

    Chakra Bind (Heart)
    The skins rearrange themselves around you so as to cover the lower half of your face, and a gaping maw appears, lined with fangs.

    You gain a bite attack, which deals 1d8 damage plus your strength modifier. If you successfully hit with the bite attack, you may start a grapple attempt. If you successfully make the grapple attempt, you may attack with your regular weapons, or any non-bite attack weapons, during the grapple. You provoke no attacks of opportunity from this effect.

    Last edited by unosarta; 2011-11-24 at 10:52 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    NOTHING is simple. NO EXCEPTIONS. No, not even that.