Quote Originally Posted by InfiniteNothing View Post
Um, RoC? An ozodrin can only take Farspawn (the original) once for every two points of Charisma modifier. Even if said ozodrin had an 18 Charisma and poured all his stat increases into Charisma (bringing it to a total of 22 by 18th level if my math's right), he could only take the feat three times. The only thing flaws could possibly gain for the character with that restriction are additional non-Farspawn abberant feats.
Actually, you end up with a natural 18 + 5 from leveling + 5 from a tome/wish + 6 from an enhancement bonus = 34

This allows you to take the feat 6 times without any degree of cheese (keep in mind that you don't lose the benefits of the feat if you later take off the item giving your the enhancement bonus due to the wording of the feat).

Keeping in mind that something like 90% of players play without feat-grabbing madness (no feat swapping, taint-accumulating, or even flaws if you can believe it), that would leave you with 2 feats to spare if you are human or 1 otherwise.

Hence, the bonus feats were kind of called for to let people choose something else.

On that note, Magikeeper, just to make sure, does this look like your concept?

Starspawn (Aberrant)
You're true nature is quite strong.
Prerequisite: Aberration Blood, Form Points, Charisma 14
Benefit:You gain an additional form point for each aberrant feat you possess other than starspawn.
Special: You may choose this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

If it's something like that, I definitely approve.