Quote Originally Posted by Radar View Post
Ok, so the answer will statistical. With multiple questions with varying answers you just estimate the true one (and it's likeliness) by assuming binomial distribution (you can assume some more complicated distribution to account for random answers). This means, that the wizard will prepare his spellslots for the situation (or situations) with the highest probability and he will keep a bunch of scrolls and limited-use items just in case of alternative scenarios. In the long run it will be the most cost-efficient method of keeping high security standards.
Yes. Earlier on, there was a claim that the wizard could gain 100% certainty. The point I was trying to make is that he cannot be certain, even if he is reasonably confident.
@beholder: read my posts more carefully. I assumed that you COULD ask the same question multiple times, AND get a different answer each time.

Now, your'e left with another problem. If you want to be nearly certain that you get the correct answer, you will have to ask the same question a lot in order to know. A 20th level wizard only gets 20+ a bunch of bonus uses of contact other plane each day. Now, if the question is "will I be attacked tomorrow", and the wizard uses all their high level spell slots to determine that the answer is "yes", they still don't know when or how they will be attacked the next day. This is why foresight was proposed before CoP--it tells you exactly when you will be attacked. The wizard will not be able to prepare for every possible attack using CoP alone, they will need foresight.