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Thread: Shining moments in tabletop gaming.

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Shining moments in tabletop gaming.

    In this case, it was more my d20 than me. Yesterday, I critted with my level one goliath barbarian on an elite wererat for 52 damage when entering Bloodhunt Rage. Momentarily forgetting the Rampage class feature, I burned an Action Point and used an Avalanche Strike -- and critted again for 62 damage, flat out dropping the thing in one round.

    I announced I was thinking of retiring the character. It would likely be years before he would be able to top that one round.

    So anyone else have any "Igor" moments recently?
    Last edited by Leewei; 2010-09-26 at 09:29 PM.